path: root/lib/feature.rb
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-04-04OT.isA substituted by RDF.type, identification of feature_types by RDF.typeChristoph Helma
2011-03-16doc for Feature.find, load_features in feature_typeChristoph Helma
2011-02-14read from subjectcookie, fix read feature_typemguetlein
2011-01-28extend whitelisting, get feature_type from algorithmmguetlein
2011-01-25merged michas GET authorizationmguetlein
2011-01-13find methods for algorithm and model, split method for dataset, feature_type ...mguetlein
2011-01-05Authorization for GET requestsmr
2010-11-19lazar predictions for toxcreate workingChristoph Helma
2010-11-11first steps towards version 2.0, yard documentation started, passes compound,...Christoph Helma
2010-10-22new API with support for external services (initial version)Christoph Helma
2009-11-23RDF support addedChristoph Helma
2009-10-06Passes tests in opentox-testChristoph Helma
2009-09-10initial wrapper for new webservicesChristoph Helma
2009-09-08api separated into individual components, adapted for new webservice versionsChristoph Helma