path: root/paper/
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authorChristoph Helma <>2016-02-16 14:52:24 +0100
committerChristoph Helma <>2016-02-16 14:52:24 +0100
commit3ba51da2af27adbd979d44978021a40804e54f43 (patch)
tree8f3702b1d40744b778755629f99818818dd09cb0 /paper/
parent8718f27bc8f7532d5c6a20d9ba758b1369529334 (diff)
dataset creation
Diffstat (limited to 'paper/')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/paper/ b/paper/
index 9926bec..0ab2e1d 100644
--- a/paper/
+++ b/paper/
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
author: |
- Christoph Helma^1^, David Vorgrimmler^1^, Denis Gebele^1^, Martin Gütlein^2^, Benoit
- Schilter^3^, Elena Lo Piparo^3^
+ Christoph Helma^1^, David Vorgrimmler^1^, Denis Gebele^1^, Martin Gütlein^2^, Benoit Schilter^3^, Elena Lo Piparo^3^
title: |
- Modeling Chronic Toxicity: A comparison of experimental variability with
- read across predictions
+ Modeling Chronic Toxicity: A comparison of experimental variability with read across predictions
include-before: ^1^ in silico toxicology gmbh, Basel, Switzerland\newline^2^ Inst. f. Computer Science, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany\newline^3^ Chemical Food Safety Group, Nestlé Research Center, Lausanne, Switzerland
keywords: (Q)SAR, read-across, LOAEL
date: \today
@@ -13,6 +11,9 @@ documentclass: achemso
bibliography: references.bib
bibliographystyle: achemso
biblio-style: achemso
+ pdf_document:
+ fig_caption: yes
@@ -107,10 +108,11 @@ similarities.
The chemical similarity between two compounds is expressed as the
proportion between atom environments common in both structures and the
-total number of atom environments (Jaccard/Tanimoto index (1)).
+total number of atom environments (Jaccard/Tanimoto index, [@eq:jaccard]).
-(1) $sim = \frac{|A \cap B|}{|A \cup B|}$, $A$ atom environments of
- compound A, $B$ atom environments of compound B.
+$$ sim = \frac{|A \cap B|}{|A \cup B|} $$ {#eq:jaccard}
+$A$ atom environments of compound A, $B$ atom environments of compound B.
### Local (Q)SAR models
@@ -158,14 +160,16 @@ FP3, OpenBabel FP4 and OpenBabel MACCS).
-Figure 1 shows the frequency of selected functional groups in both
+[@fig:fg] shows the frequency of selected functional groups in both
datasets. A complete table for 138 functional groups from OpenBabel FP4
fingerprints can be found in the appendix.
-![Frequency of functional groups.](functional-groups.pdf)
+![Frequency of functional groups.](functional-groups.pdf){#fig:fg}
### Experimental variability versus prediction uncertainty
Duplicated LOAEL values can be found in both datasets and there is a
@@ -175,40 +179,75 @@ substantial overlap of compounds, with LOAEL values in both datasets.
The Mazzatorta dataset has 562 LOAEL values with 439 unique structures,
the Swiss Federal Office dataset has 493 rat LOAEL values with 381
-unique structures. Figure 2 shows the intra-dataset variability, where
+unique structures. [@fig:intra] shows the intra-dataset variability, where
each vertical line represents a single compound and each dot represents
an individual LOAEL value. The experimental variance of LOAEL values is
similar in both datasets (p-value: 0.48).
[//]: # p-value: 0.4750771581019402
-![Intra dataset variability: Each vertical line represents a compound, dots are individual LOAEL values.](loael-dataset-comparison-all-compounds.pdf)
+![Intra dataset variability: Each vertical line represents a compound, dots are individual LOAEL values.](loael-dataset-comparison-all-compounds.pdf){#fig:intra}
##### Inter dataset variability
-Figure 3 shows the same situation for the combination of the Mazzatorta
+[@fig:inter] shows the same situation for the combination of the Mazzatorta
and Swiss Federal Office datasets. Obviously the experimental
variability is larger than for individual datasets.
-![Inter dataset variability](loael-dataset-comparison-common-compounds.pdf)
+![Inter dataset variability](loael-dataset-comparison-common-compounds.pdf){#fig:inter}
##### LOAEL correlation between datasets
-Figure 4 depicts the correlation between LOAEL data from both datasets
-(using means for multiple measurements). Correlation analysis shows a
-significant correlation with r\^2: 0.61, RMSE: 1.22, MAE: 0.80
+[@fig:corr-1] depicts the correlation between LOAEL data from both datasets
+(using means for multiple measurements).
+Identical values were removed from analysis.
[//]: # MAE: 0.801626064534318
[//]: # with identical values
-![LOAEL correlation](loael-dataset-correlation.pdf)
+## Loading required package: methods
+![Correlation of dataset medians (-log10(LOAEL [mmol/kg_bw])](figure/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png)
+Correlation analysis shows a
+significant correlation (p-value < 2.2e-16) with r\^2: 0.55, RMSE: 1.34
### Local (Q)SAR models
+In order to compare the perfomance of in silico models with experimental variability we are using compounds that occur in both datasets as a test set (155 compounds, 434 measurements).
+The Mazzatorta, the Swiss Federal Office dataset and a combined dataset were used as training data. Predictions for the test set compounds were made after eliminating all information from the test compound from the corresponding training dataset. [@tbl:common-pred] summarizes the results:
+Training data | Model prediction | Experimental variability
+Mazzatorta | 0.88 | 0.87
+Swiss Federal Office |0.65 | 0.76
+Commmon | 1.28| 0.8314774
+Combined | | 0.8242536
+: Comparison of model predictions with experimental variability. {#tbl:common-pred}
+Traditional 10-fold cross-validation results are summarised in [@tbl:cv]:
+Training dataset | $r^2$ | RMSE | MAE
+Mazzatorta | 0.37 | 0.84| 0.65
+Swiss Federal Office | 0.25 | 0.75| 0.61
+Combined | 0.12 | 1.45| 1.21
+: 10-fold crossvalidation results {#tbl:cv}
+[//]: # ```{r fig.cap="Comparison of predictions with measured values (-log10(LOAEL [mmol/kg_bw])", fig.lp="fig:", echo=F}
+![Comparison of predictions with measured values (-log10(LOAEL [mmol/kg_bw])](figure/predictions-1.png)