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+ pdftitle={Modeling Chronic Toxicity: A comparison of experimental variability with read across predictions},
+ pdfauthor={Christoph Helma1; David Vorgrimmler1; Denis Gebele1; Martin Gütlein2; Benoit Schilter3; Elena Lo Piparo3},
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+\title{Modeling Chronic Toxicity: A comparison of experimental variability with
+read across predictions}
+\author{Christoph Helma\textsuperscript{1} \and David Vorgrimmler\textsuperscript{1} \and Denis Gebele\textsuperscript{1} \and Martin Gütlein\textsuperscript{2} \and Benoit Schilter\textsuperscript{3} \and Elena Lo Piparo\textsuperscript{3}}
+This study compares the accuracy of (Q)SAR/read-across predictions with
+the experimental variability of chronic LOAEL values from \emph{in vivo}
+experiments. We could demonstrate that predictions of the \texttt{lazar}
+lazar algrorithm within the applicability domain of the training data
+have the same variability as the experimental training data. Predictions
+with a lower similarity threshold (i.e.~a larger distance from the
+applicability domain) are also significantly better than random
+guessing, but the errors to be expected are higher and a manual
+inspection of prediction results is highly recommended.
+\textsuperscript{1} in silico toxicology gmbh, Basel,
+Switzerland\newline\textsuperscript{2} Inst. f. Computer Science,
+Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany\newline\textsuperscript{3}
+Chemical Food Safety Group, Nestlé Research Center, Lausanne,
+Relying on standard animal toxicological testing for chemical hazard
+identification and characterization is increasingly questioned on both
+scientific and ethical grounds. In addition, it appears obvious that
+from a resource perspective, the capacity of standard toxicology to
+address the safety of thousands of untested chemicals (Fowler, Savage,
+and Mendez 2011) to which human may be exposed is very limited. It has
+also been recognized that getting rapid insight on toxicity of chemicals
+in case of emergency safety incidents or for early prioritization in
+research and development (safety by design) is a big challenge mainly
+because of the time and cost constraints associated with the generation
+of relevant animal data. In this context, alternative approaches to
+obtain timely and fit-for-purpose toxicological information are being
+developed. Amongst others, non-testing, structure-activity based
+\emph{in silico} toxicology methods (also called computational
+toxicology) are considered highly promising. Importantly, they are
+raising more and more interests and getting increased acceptance in
+various regulatory (e.g. (ECHA 2008, EFSA (2016), EFSA (2014), Health
+Canada (2016), OECD (2015))) and industrial (e.g. (Stanton and
+Krusezewski 2016, Lo Piparo et al. (2011))) frameworks.
+For a long time already, computational methods have been an integral
+part of pharmaceutical discovery pipelines, while in chemical food
+safety their actual potentials emerged only recently (Lo Piparo et al.
+2011). In this later field, an application considered critical is in the
+establishment of levels of safety concern in order to rapidly and
+efficiently manage toxicologically uncharacterized chemicals identified
+in food. This requires a risk-based approach to benchmark exposure with
+a quantitative value of toxicity relevant for risk assessment (Schilter
+et al. 2014). Since most of the time chemical food safety deals with
+life-long exposures to relatively low levels of chemicals, and because
+long-term toxicity studies are often the most sensitive in food
+toxicology databases, predicting chronic toxicity is of prime
+importance. Up to now, read across and quantitative structure-activity
+relationship (QSAR) have been the most used \emph{in silico} approaches
+to obtain quantitative predictions of chronic toxicity.
+The quality and reproducibility of (Q)SAR and read-across predictions
+has been a continuous and controversial topic in the toxicological
+risk-assessment community. Although model predictions can be validated
+with various procedures, to review results in context of experimental
+variability has actually been rarely done or attempted. With missing
+information about the variability of experimental toxicity data it is
+hard to judge the performance of predictive models objectively and it is
+tempting for model developers to use aggressive model optimisation
+methods that lead to impressive validation results, but also to
+overfitted models with little practical relevance.
+In the present study, automatic read-across like models were built to
+generate quantitative predictions of long-term toxicity. Two databases
+compiling chronic oral rat lowest adverse effect levels (LOAEL) as
+endpoint were used. An early review of the databases revealed that many
+chemicals had at least two independent studies/LOAELs. These studies
+were exploited to generate information on the reproducibility of chronic
+animal studies and were used to evaluate prediction performance of the
+models in the context of experimental variability.
+An important limitation often raised for computational toxicology is the
+lack of transparency on published models and consequently on the
+difficulty for the scientific community to reproduce and apply them. To
+overcome these issues, source code for all programs and libraries and
+the databases that have been used to generate this manuscript are made
+available under GPL3 licenses. Databases and compiled programs with all
+dependencies for the reproduction of results in this manuscript are
+available as a self-contained docker image. All data, tables and figures
+in this manuscript was generated directly from experimental results
+using the \texttt{R} package \texttt{knitR}. A single command repeats
+all experiments (possibly with different settings) and updates the
+manuscript with the new results.
+\section{Materials and Methods}\label{materials-and-methods}
+The following sections give a high level overview about algorithms and
+datasets used for this study. In order to provide unambiguous references
+to algorithms and datasets, links to source code and data sources are
+included in the text.
+\subsubsection{Nestlé database}\label{nestluxe9-database}
+The first database (Nestlé database for further reference) originates
+from the publication of (P. Mazzatorta et al. 2008). It contains chronic
+(\textgreater{} 180 days) lowest observed effect levels (LOAEL) for rats
+(\emph{Rattus norvegicus}) after oral (gavage, diet, drinking water)
+administration. The Nestlé database consists of 567 LOAEL values for 445
+unique chemical structures. The Nestlé database can be obtained from the
+following GitHub links:
+ original data:
+ \url{}
+ unique smiles:
+ \url{}
+ -log10 transfomed LOAEL:
+ \url{}.
+\subsubsection{Swiss Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO)
+Publicly available data from pesticide evaluations of chronic rat
+toxicity studies from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (EFSA
+2014), the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) (WHO 2011)
+and the US EPA (US EPA 2011) were compiled to form the FSVO-database.
+Only studies providing both an experimental NOAEL and an experimental
+LOAEL were included. The LOAELs were taken as they were reported in the
+evaluations. Further details on the database are described elsewhere
+(Zarn, Engeli, and Schlatter 2011, Zarn, Engeli, and Schlatter (2013)).
+The FSVO-database consists of 493 rat LOAEL values for 381 unique
+chemical structures. It can be obtained from the following GitHub links:
+ original data:
+ \url{}
+ unique smiles and mmol/kg\_bw/day units:
+ \url{}
+ -log10 transfomed LOAEL:
+ \url{}
+Chemical structures (represented as SMILES (Weininger 1988)) in both
+datasets were checked for correctness. When syntactically incorrect or
+missing SMILES were generated from other identifiers (e.g names, CAS
+numbers). Unique smiles from the OpenBabel library (OBoyle et al. 2011)
+were used for the identification of duplicated structures.
+Studies with undefined or empty LOAEL entries were removed from the
+datasets. LOAEL values were converted to mmol/kg\_bw/day units and
+rounded to five significant digits. For prediction, validation and
+visualisation purposes -log10 transformations are used.
+\subsubsection{Derived datasets}\label{derived-datasets}
+Two derived datasets were obtained from the original databases:
+dataset} contains data from compounds that occur in both databases.
+LOAEL values equal at five significant digits were considered as
+duplicates originating from the same study/publication and only one
+instance was kept in the test dataset. The test dataset has 375 LOAEL
+values for 155 unique chemical structures and was used for
+ evaluating experimental variability
+ comparing model predictions with experimental variability.
+dataset} is the union of the Nestlé and the FSVO databases and it was
+used to build predictive models. LOAEL duplicates were removed using the
+same criteria as for the test dataset. The training dataset has 998
+LOAEL values for 671 unique chemical structures.
+In this study we are using the modular lazar (\emph{la}zy
+\emph{s}tructure \emph{a}ctivity \emph{r}elationships) framework (A.
+Maunz et al. 2013) for model development and validation. The complete
+\texttt{lazar} source code can be found on
+lazar follows the following basic
+For a given chemical structure lazar
+ searches in a database for similar structures (\emph{neighbors}) with
+ experimental data,
+ builds a local QSAR model with these neighbors and
+ uses this model to predict the unknown activity of the query compound.
+This procedure resembles an automated version of \emph{read across}
+predictions in toxicology, in machine learning terms it would be
+classified as a \emph{k-nearest-neighbor} algorithm.
+Apart from this basic workflow lazar is completely modular and allows
+the researcher to use any algorithm for similarity searches and local
+QSAR modelling. Within this study we are using the following algorithms:
+\subsubsection{Neighbor identification}\label{neighbor-identification}
+Similarity calculations are based on
+fingerprints} (Bender et al. 2004) from the OpenBabel chemoinformatics
+library (OBoyle et al. 2011).
+The MolPrint2D fingerprint uses atom environments as molecular
+representation, which resemble basically the chemical concept of
+functional groups. For each atom in a molecule it represents the
+chemical environment using the atom types of connected atoms.
+MolPrint2D fingerprints are generated dynamically from chemical
+structures and do not rely on predefined lists of fragments (such as
+OpenBabel FP3, FP4 or MACCs fingerprints or lists of
+toxocophores/toxicophobes). This has the advantage the they may capture
+substructures of toxicological relevance that are not included in other
+fingerprints. Unpublished experiments have shown that predictions with
+MolPrint2D fingerprints are indeed more accurate than other OpenBabel
+From MolPrint2D fingerprints we can construct a feature vector with all
+atom environments of a compound, which can be used to calculate chemical
+similarity} between two compounds A and B is expressed as the proportion
+between atom environments common in both structures \(A \cap B\) and the
+total number of atom environments \(A \cup B\) (Jaccard/Tanimoto index,
+\begin{equation} sim = \frac{|A \cap B|}{|A \cup B|} \label{eq:jaccard}\end{equation}
+The threshold selection is a trade-off between prediction accuracy (high
+threshold) and the number of predictable compounds (low threshold). As
+it is in many practical cases desirable to make predictions even in the
+absence of closely related neighbors, we follow a tiered approach:
+First a similarity threshold of 0.5 is used to collect neighbors, to
+create a local QSAR model and to make a prediction for the query
+compound. If any of this steps fail, the procedure is repeated with a
+similarity threshold of 0.2 and the prediction is flagged with a warning
+that it might be out of the applicability domain of the training data.
+Compounds with the same structure as the query structure are
+from neighbors} to obtain unbiased predictions in the presence of
+\subsubsection{Local QSAR models and
+Only similar compounds (\emph{neighbors}) above the threshold are used
+for local QSAR models. In this investigation we are using
+random forests regression (RF)} for the prediction of quantitative
+properties. First all uninformative fingerprints (i.e.~features with
+identical values across all neighbors) are removed. The remaining set of
+features is used as descriptors for creating a local weighted RF model
+with atom environments as descriptors and model similarities as weights.
+The RF method from the \texttt{caret} R package (Kuhn 2008) is used for
+this purpose. Models are trained with the default \texttt{caret}
+settings, optimizing the number of RF components by bootstrap
+Finally the local RF model is applied to
+the activity} of the query compound. The RMSE of bootstrapped local
+model predictions is used to construct 95\% prediction intervals at
+If RF modelling or prediction fails, the program resorts to using the
+mean} of the neighbors LOAEL values, where the contribution of each
+neighbor is weighted by its similarity to the query compound. In this
+case the prediction is also flagged with a warning.
+\subsubsection{Applicability domain}\label{applicability-domain}
+The applicability domain (AD) of lazar models is determined by the
+structural diversity of the training data. If no similar compounds are
+found in the training data no predictions will be generated. Warnings
+are issued if the similarity threshold has to be lowered from 0.5 to 0.2
+in order to enable predictions and if lazar has to resort to weighted
+average predictions, because local random forests fail. Thus predictions
+without warnings can be considered as close to the applicability domain
+and predictions with warnings as more distant from the applicability
+domain. Quantitative applicability domain information can be obtained
+from the similarities of individual neighbors.
+Local regression models consider neighbor similarities to the query
+compound, by weighting the contribution of each neighbor is by its
+similarity. The variability of local model predictions is reflected in
+the 95\% prediction interval associated with each prediction.
+For the comparison of experimental variability with predictive
+accuracies we are using a test set of compounds that occur in both
+databases. Unbiased read across predictions are obtained from the
+\emph{training} dataset, by
+\emph{all} information} from the test compound from the training set
+prior to predictions. This procedure is hardcoded into the prediction
+algorithm in order to prevent validation errors. As we have only a
+single test set no model or parameter optimisations were performed in
+order to avoid overfitting a single dataset.
+Results from 3 repeated
+crossvalidations} with independent training/test set splits are provided
+as additional information to the test set results.
+The final model for production purposes was trained with all available
+LOAEL data (Nestlé and FSVO databases combined).
+\item[Public webinterface]
+\item[\texttt{lazar} framework]
+\url{} (source code)
+\item[\texttt{lazar} GUI]
+\url{} (source code)
+\url{} (source code for the
+manuscript and validation experiments)
+\item[Docker image]
+\url{} (container with
+manuscript, validation experiments, \texttt{lazar} libraries and third
+party dependencies)
+\subsubsection{Dataset comparison}\label{dataset-comparison}
+The main objective of this section is to compare the content of both
+databases in terms of structural composition and LOAEL values, to
+estimate the experimental variability of LOAEL values and to establish a
+baseline for evaluating prediction performance.
+\subparagraph{Structural diversity}\label{structural-diversity}
+In order to compare the structural diversity of both datasets we
+evaluated the frequency of functional groups from the OpenBabel FP4
+fingerprint. Figure~\ref{fig:fg} shows the frequency of functional
+groups in both datasets. 139 functional groups with a frequency
+\textgreater{} 25 are depicted, the complete table for all functional
+groups can be found in the supplemental material at
+\caption{Frequency of functional groups.}\label{fig:fg}
+This result was confirmed with a visual inspection using the
+\href{}{CheS-Mapper} (Chemical Space Mapping and
+Visualization in 3D, Gütlein, Karwath, and Kramer (2012)) tool.
+CheS-Mapper can be used to analyze the relationship between the
+structure of chemical compounds, their physico-chemical properties, and
+biological or toxic effects. It depicts closely related (similar)
+compounds in 3D space and can be used with different kinds of features.
+We have investigated structural as well as physico-chemical properties
+and concluded that both datasets are very similar, both in terms of
+chemical structures and physico-chemical properties.
+The only statistically significant difference between both datasets, is
+that the Nestlé database contains more small compounds (61 structures
+with less than 11 atoms) than the FSVO-database (19 small structures,
+p-value 3.7E-7).
+\subsubsection{Experimental variability versus prediction
+Duplicated LOAEL values can be found in both datasets and there is a
+substantial number of 155 compounds with more than one LOAEL. These
+chemicals allow us to estimate the variability of experimental results
+within individual datasets and between datasets. Data with
+\emph{identical} values (at five significant digits) in both datasets
+were excluded from variability analysis, because it it likely that they
+originate from the same experiments.
+\subparagraph{Intra database
+The Nestlé database has 567 LOAEL values for 445 unique structures, 93
+compounds have multiple measurements with a mean standard deviation
+(-log10 transformed values) of 0.32 (0.56 mg/kg\_bw/day, 0.56
+mmol/kg\_bw/day) (P. Mazzatorta et al. (2008), Figure~\ref{fig:intra}).
+The FSVO database has 493 rat LOAEL values for 381 unique structures, 91
+compounds have multiple measurements with a mean standard deviation
+(-log10 transformed values) of 0.29 (0.57 mg/kg\_bw/day, 0.59
+mmol/kg\_bw/day) (Figure~\ref{fig:intra}).
+Standard deviations of both datasets do not show a statistically
+significant difference with a p-value (t-test) of 0.21. The combined
+test set has a mean standard deviation (-log10 transformed values) of
+0.33 (0.56 mg/kg\_bw/day, 0.55 mmol/kg\_bw/day)
+\caption{Distribution and variability of LOAEL values in both datasets.
+Each vertical line represents a compound, dots are individual LOAEL
+\subparagraph{Inter database
+Figure~\ref{fig:comp} shows the experimental LOAEL variability of
+compounds occurring in both datasets (i.e.~the \emph{test} dataset)
+colored in red (experimental). This is the baseline reference for the
+comparison with predicted values.
+Figure~\ref{fig:datacorr} depicts the correlation between LOAEL values
+from both datasets. As both datasets contain duplicates medians were
+used for the correlation plot and statistics. It should be kept in mind
+that the aggregation of duplicated measurements into a single median
+value hides a substantial portion of the experimental variability.
+Correlation analysis shows a significant (p-value \textless{} 2.2e-16)
+correlation between the experimental data in both datasets with r\^{}2:
+0.52, RMSE: 0.59
+\caption{Correlation of median LOAEL values from Nestlé and FSVO
+databases. Data with identical values in both databases was removed from
+\subsubsection{Local QSAR models}\label{local-qsar-models}
+In order to compare the performance of \emph{in silico} read across
+models with experimental variability we are using compounds that occur
+in both datasets as a test set (375 measurements, 155 compounds).
+\texttt{lazar} read across predictions were obtained for 155 compounds,
+37 predictions failed, because no similar compounds were found in the
+training data (i.e.~they were not covered by the applicability domain of
+the training data).
+Experimental data and 95\% prediction intervals overlapped in 100\% of
+the test examples.
+Figure~\ref{fig:comp} shows a comparison of predicted with experimental
+values. Most predicted values were located within the experimental
+\caption{Comparison of experimental with predicted LOAEL values. Each
+vertical line represents a compound, dots are individual measurements
+(blue), predictions (green) or predictions far from the applicability
+domain, i.e.~with warnings (red).}\label{fig:comp}
+Correlation analysis was performed between individual predictions and
+the median of experimental data. All correlations are statistically
+highly significant with a p-value \textless{} 2.2e-16. These results are
+presented in Figure~\ref{fig:corr} and Table~\ref{tbl:cv}. Please bear
+in mind that the aggregation of multiple measurements into a single
+median value hides experimental variability.
+\caption{\label{tbl:common-pred}Comparison of model predictions with
+experimental variability. }\tabularnewline
+Comparison & \(r^2\) & RMSE & Nr. predicted\tabularnewline
+Comparison & \(r^2\) & RMSE & Nr. predicted\tabularnewline
+Nestlé vs.~FSVO database & 0.52 & 0.59\tabularnewline
+AD close predictions vs.~test median & 0.48 & 0.56 &
+AD distant predictions vs.~test median & 0.38 & 0.68 &
+All predictions vs.~test median & 0.4 & 0.65 & 118/155\tabularnewline
+\caption{Correlation of experimental with predicted LOAEL values (test
+set). Green dots indicate predictions close to the applicability domain
+(i.e.~without warnings), red dots indicate predictions far from the
+applicability domain (i.e.~with warnings).}\label{fig:corr}
+For a further assessment of model performance three independent 10-fold
+cross-validations were performed. Results are summarised in
+Table~\ref{tbl:cv} and Figure~\ref{fig:cv}. All correlations of
+predicted with experimental values are statistically highly significant
+with a p-value \textless{} 2.2e-16. This is observed for compounds close
+and more distant to the applicability domain.
+\caption{\label{tbl:cv}Results from 3 independent 10-fold
+crossvalidations }\tabularnewline
+Predictions & \(r^2\) & RMSE & Nr. predicted\tabularnewline
+Predictions & \(r^2\) & RMSE & Nr. predicted\tabularnewline
+AD close & 0.61 & 0.58 & 102/671\tabularnewline
+AD distant & 0.45 & 0.78 & 374/671\tabularnewline
+All & 0.47 & 0.74 & 476/671\tabularnewline
+& &\tabularnewline
+AD close & 0.59 & 0.6 & 101/671\tabularnewline
+AD distant & 0.45 & 0.77 & 376/671\tabularnewline
+All & 0.47 & 0.74 & 477/671\tabularnewline
+& &\tabularnewline
+AD close & 0.59 & 0.57 & 93/671\tabularnewline
+AD distant & 0.43 & 0.81 & 384/671\tabularnewline
+All & 0.45 & 0.77 & 477/671\tabularnewline
+\caption{Correlation of predicted vs.~measured values for three
+independent crossvalidations with MP2D fingerprint descriptors and local
+random forest models.}
+It is currently acknowledged that there is a strong need for
+toxicological information on the multiple thousands of chemicals to
+which human may be exposed through food. These include for examples many
+chemicals in commerce, which could potentially find their way into food
+(Stanton and Krusezewski 2016, Fowler, Savage, and Mendez (2011)), but
+also substances migrating from food contact materials (Grob et al.
+2006), chemicals generated over food processing (Cotterill et al. 2008),
+environmental contaminants as well as inherent plant toxicants
+(Schilter, Constable, and Perrin 2013). For the vast majority of these
+chemicals, no toxicological data is available and consequently insight
+on their potential health risks is very difficult to obtain. It is
+recognized that testing all of them in standard animal studies is
+neither feasible from a resource perspective nor desirable because of
+ethical issues associated with animal experimentation. In addition, for
+many of these chemicals, risk may be very low and therefore testing may
+actually be irrelevant. In this context, the identification of chemicals
+of most concern on which limited resource available should focused is
+essential and computational toxicology is thought to play an important
+role for that.
+In order to establish the level of safety concern of food chemicals
+toxicologically not characterized, a methodology mimicking the process
+of chemical risk assessment, and supported by computational toxicology,
+was proposed (Schilter et al. 2014). It is based on the calculation of
+margins of exposure (MoE) between predicted values of toxicity and
+exposure estimates. The level of safety concern of a chemical is then
+determined by the size of the MoE and its suitability to cover the
+uncertainties of the assessment. To be applicable, such an approach
+requires quantitative predictions of toxicological endpoints relevant
+for risk assessment. The present work focuses on prediction of chronic
+toxicity, a major and often pivotal endpoints of toxicological databases
+used for hazard identification and characterization of food chemicals.
+In a previous study, automated read-across like models for predicting
+carcinogenic potency were developed. In these models, substances in the
+training dataset similar to the query compounds are automatically
+identified and used to derive a quantitative TD50 value. The errors
+observed in these models were within the published estimation of
+experimental variability (Lo Piparo et al. 2014). In the present study,
+a similar approach was applied to build models generating quantitative
+predictions of long-term toxicity. Two databases compiling chronic oral
+rat lowest adverse effect levels (LOAEL) as endpoint were available from
+different sources. \protect\hypertarget{dataset-comparison-1}{}{}Our
+investigations clearly indicated that the Nestlé and FSVO databases are
+very similar in terms of chemical structures and properties as well as
+distribution of experimental LOAEL values. The only significant
+difference that we observed was that the Nestlé one has larger amount of
+small molecules, than the FSVO database. For this reason we pooled both
+dataset into a single training dataset for read across predictions.
+An early review of the databases revealed that 155 out of the 671
+chemicals available in the training datasets had at least two
+independent studies/LOAELs. These studies were exploited to generate
+information on the reproducibility of chronic animal studies and were
+used to evaluate prediction performance of the models in the context of
+experimental variability.Considerable variability in the experimental
+data was observed. Study design differences, including dose selection,
+dose spacing and route of administration are likely explanation of
+experimental variability. High experimental variability has an impact on
+model building and on model validation. First it influences model
+quality by introducing noise into the training data, secondly it
+influences accuracy estimates because predictions have to be compared
+against noisy data where ``true'' experimental values are unknown. This
+will become obvious in the next section, where comparison of predictions
+with experimental data is
+discussed.\protect\hypertarget{lazar-predictions}{}{}The data obtained
+in the present study indicate that \texttt{lazar} generates reliable
+predictions for compounds within the applicability domain of the
+training data (i.e.~predictions without warnings, which indicates a
+sufficient number of neighbors with similarity \textgreater{} 0.5 to
+create local random forest models). Correlation analysis shows that
+errors (\(\text{RMSE}\)) and explained variance (\(r^{2}\)) are
+comparable to experimental variability of the training data.
+Predictions with a warning (neighbor similarity \textless{} 0.5 and
+\textgreater{} 0.2 or weighted average predictions) are more uncertain.
+However, they still show a strong correlation with experimental data,
+but the errors are larger than for compounds within the applicability
+domain. Expected errors are displayed as 95\% prediction intervals,
+which covers 100\% of the experimental data. The main advantage of
+lowering the similarity threshold is that it allows to predict a much
+larger number of substances than with more rigorous applicability domain
+criteria. As each of this prediction could be problematic, they are
+flagged with a warning to alert risk assessors that further inspection
+is required. This can be done in the graphical interface
+(\url{}) which provides intuitive means of
+inspecting the rationales and data used for read across predictions.
+Finally there is a substantial number of chemicals (37), where no
+predictions can be made, because no similar compounds in the training
+data are available. These compounds clearly fall beyond the
+applicability domain of the training dataset and in such cases
+predictions should not be used. In order to expand the domain of
+applicability, the possibility to design models based on shorter, less
+than chonic studies should be studied. It is likely that more substances
+reflecting a wider chemical domain may be available. To predict such
+shorter duration endpoints would also be valuable for chronic toxicy
+since evidence suggest that exposure duration has little impact on the
+levels of NOAELs/LOAELs (Zarn, Engeli, and Schlatter 2011, Zarn, Engeli,
+and Schlatter (2013)).
+Elena: Should we add a GUI screenshot?
+In conclusion, we could demonstrate that \texttt{lazar} predictions
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