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index 1014cc1..eb0ce3c 100644
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@@ -107,13 +107,11 @@ tertiary base PAs and PA N-oxides.
In mammals, PAs are mainly metabolized in the liver. There are three principal metabolic pathways for 1,2-unsaturated PAs (@Chen2010): 
-Detoxification by 
+- Detoxification by hydrolysis of the ester bond on positions C7 and C9 by non-specific esterases to release necine base and necic acid. 
-- hydrolysis of the ester bond on positions C7 and C9 by non-specific esterases to release necine base and necic acid 
+- N-oxidation of the necine base to form a PA N-oxides, which can be either conjugated by phase II enzymes and then excreted or converted back into the corresponding parent PA (@Wang2005). This detoxification pathway is not possible for otonecine-type PAs, as they are N-methylated (see @fig:pa-schema).
-- N-oxidation of the necine base to form a PA N-oxides, which can be either conjugated by phase II enzymes and then excreted or converted back into the corresponding parent PA (following ref) This detoxification pathway is not possible for otonecine-type PAs, as they are N-methylated (see @fig:pa-schema, @Wang2005)
-- Metabolic activation or toxification by oxidation (for retronecine-type PAs) or oxidative N-demethylation (for otonecine-type Pas) by cytochromes P450 isoforms CYP2B and 3A (@Lin1998, @Ruan2014)
+- Metabolic activation or toxification by oxidation (for retronecine-type PAs) or oxidative N-demethylation (for otonecine-type Pas) by cytochromes P450 isoforms CYP2B and 3A (@Lin1998, @Ruan2014).
The latter reactions result in the formation of dehydropyrrolizidine (DHP) that is highly reactive and causes damage by building adducts with protein, lipids and DNA (@Chen2010). On the other hand, open diesters and macrocyclic PAs have a reduced detoxification due to steric hinderance of the respective esterases (@Ruan2014)
@@ -229,13 +227,13 @@ instances. They can be obtained from the following locations:
*Training data:*
- - sparse representation (<>)
- - descriptor matrix (<>)
+ - sparse representation (<>)
+ - descriptor matrix (<>)
*Pyrrolizidine alkaloids:*
- - sparse representation (<>)
- - descriptor matrix (<>)
+ - sparse representation (<>)
+ - descriptor matrix (<>)
#### Chemistry Development Kit (*CDK*) descriptors
@@ -250,11 +248,11 @@ all substances with contradictory experimental mutagenicity data were removed. T
contained {{cv.cdk.n_descriptors}} descriptors for {{cv.cdk.n_compounds}}
-CDK training data can be obtained from <>.
+CDK training data can be obtained from <>.
The same procedure was applied for the pyrrolizidine dataset yielding
{{pa.cdk.n_descriptors}} descriptors for {{pa.cdk.n_compounds}}
-compounds. CDK features for pyrrolizidine alkaloids are available at <>.
+compounds. CDK features for pyrrolizidine alkaloids are available at <>.
@@ -442,14 +440,13 @@ Jupyter notebooks for these experiments can be found at the following locations
- - MolPrint2D fingerprints: <>
- - CDK descriptors: <>
+ - MolPrint2D fingerprints: <>
+ - CDK descriptors: <>
*Pyrrolizidine alkaloids:*
- - MolPrint2D fingerprints: <>
- - CDK descriptors: <>
- - CDK desc
+ - MolPrint2D fingerprints: <>
+ - CDK descriptors: <>
@@ -696,15 +693,12 @@ neighbor algorithms like `lazar` have the practical advantage that the
rationales for individual predictions can be presented in a straightforward
manner that is understandable without a background in statistics or machine
learning (a screenshot of the mutagenicity prediction for
-12,21-Dihydroxy-4-methyl-4,8-secosenecinonan-8,11,16-trione can be found at
+12,21-Dihydroxy-4-methyl-4,8-secosenecinonan-8,11,16-trione is depicted in @fig:lazar).
This allows a critical examination of individual predictions and prevents blind
trust in models that are intransparent to users with a toxicological
![`lazar` screenshot of 12,21-Dihydroxy-4-methyl-4,8-secosenecinonan-8,11,16-trione mutagenicity prediction](figures/lazar-screenshot.png){#fig:lazar}
@@ -762,7 +756,7 @@ In order to investigate, if any of the investigated models show systematic
errors in the vicinity of pyrrolizidine-alkaloids we have performed a
detailled t-SNE analysis of all models (see @fig:tsne-mp2d-rf and
@fig:tsne-cdk-lazar-all for two examples, all visualisations can be found at
None of the models showed obvious deviations from their expected
behaviour, so the reason for the disagreement between some of the models