path: root/application.rb
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-10-12stage save for transmissiongebele
2016-09-23added physchem descriptors link to bioportal bioontologygebele
2016-09-23example selection by training dataset and relevant features;added links for c...gebele
2016-09-23stage commit before tablesorter theme fix; deactivated coating input; added u...gebele
2016-09-22select list core; sorted pcpgebele
2016-09-22added Aggebele
2016-09-20changed for two model selectiongebele
2016-06-10added version and share buttonsgebele
2016-05-04added license to GUIgebele
2016-02-03changed ambit urigebele
2016-02-01top scroll, tox colum changes, added ID linksgebele
2016-02-01moved presentation to public foldergebele
2016-02-01cleaned up files. added presentationgebele
2016-02-01updated with latest/master nano-lazar reositorygebele
2016-01-22refined predictiongebele
2016-01-22initial commitgebele