BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
bbrc-sampleAdded fminer support for percentage and per-mil min frequenciesAndreas Maunz12 years
developmentMerge branch 'release/v3.2.0' into developmentrautenberg12 years
jlFix: verbose prediction ds for Substructure.lookupot512 years
masterFixed row parsingAndreas Maunz12 years
nestleRead http proxy from config/production.yamldavor12 years
oldarchReverted minfreq to intAndreas Maunz11 years
pc_unified_from_jlImproved compounds comparison in lookupDavid Vorgrimmler12 years
release/v3.2.0readme daterautenberg12 years
val_expmissing params for ttestmguetlein12 years
weights_optAdded weights option.davor12 years
v4.0.0commit ca29036926...rautenberg12 years
v3.1.0commit ba7f8115c2...rautenberg12 years
v3.0.1commit 1687a218b1...mr13 years
v3.0.0commit be69826665...mr13 years
v2.1.0commit e1b67ddbef...micha13 years
v2.0.1commit 6b9e012576...Christoph Helma13 years
v2.0.0commit 580ac1b909...mr13 years
v1.0.2commit 9925043c4d...Christoph Helma13 years
v1.0.1commit 54867c288a...Christoph Helma13 years
v1.0.0commit c651fe10fe...Christoph Helma13 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2012-04-18Improved compounds comparison in lookuppc_unified_from_jlDavid Vorgrimmler
2012-04-18Major fix: CSV downloadAndreas Maunz
2012-04-17Corrected: CSV download, fminer prediction f detectAndreas Maunz
2012-04-13Merge branch 'jl' into pc_unified_from_jlAndreas Maunz
2012-04-13Fix: verbose prediction ds for Substructure.lookupjlot5
2012-04-12Major bug fixed: order of compounds was unsure in transform.rbAndreas Maunz
2012-04-12Rem debugAndreas Maunz
2012-04-11pc_type and lib autodetection from feature datasetAndreas Maunz
2012-04-10Added common value_map routine to wrapperAndreas Maunz
2012-04-10Removed value_map from paramsAndreas Maunz