diff options
authorAndreas Maunz <>2012-02-10 09:31:31 +0100
committerAndreas Maunz <>2012-02-10 09:31:31 +0100
commitc4d79f636827def2b6ac288275570ecfc7187bf1 (patch)
parenta56315499d714a783078d4a02c8982ccdb510cff (diff)
parent771514f7a6be11b87def56577ea09327ef328246 (diff)
Merge branch 'pc_new_1' of into pc_new_1pc_new_1
7 files changed, 602 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/lib/algorithm.rb b/lib/algorithm.rb
index 9e9e62d..db21c46 100644
--- a/lib/algorithm.rb
+++ b/lib/algorithm.rb
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ module OpenTox
LOGGER.warn "No #{feature} activity for #{compound.to_s}."
if @prediction_feature.feature_type == "classification"
- activity= value_map.invert[value].to_i # activities are mapped to 1..n
+ activity= value_map.invert[value.to_s].to_i # activities are mapped to 1..n
@db_class_sizes[activity-1].nil? ? @db_class_sizes[activity-1]=1 : @db_class_sizes[activity-1]+=1 # AM effect
elsif @prediction_feature.feature_type == "regression"
activity= value.to_f
diff --git a/lib/dataset.rb b/lib/dataset.rb
index 8f76ee7..95c1918 100644
--- a/lib/dataset.rb
+++ b/lib/dataset.rb
@@ -373,7 +373,45 @@ module OpenTox
+ # merges two dataset into a new dataset (by default uses all compounds and features)
+ # precondition: both datasets are fully loaded
+ # @param [OpenTox::Dataset] dataset1 to merge
+ # @param [OpenTox::Dataset] dataset2 to merge
+ # @param [Hash] metadata
+ # @param [optional,String] subjectid
+ # @param [optional,Array] features1, if specified only this features of dataset1 are used
+ # @param [optional,Array] features2, if specified only this features of dataset2 are used
+ # @param [optional,Array] compounds1, if specified only this compounds of dataset1 are used
+ # @param [optional,Array] compounds2, if specified only this compounds of dataset2 are used
+ # example: if you want no features from dataset2, give empty array as features2
+ def self.merge( dataset1, dataset2, metadata, subjectid=nil, features1=nil, features2=nil, compounds1=nil, compounds2=nil )
+ features1 = dataset1.features.keys unless features1
+ features2 = dataset2.features.keys unless features2
+ compounds1 = dataset1.compounds unless compounds1
+ compounds2 = dataset2.compounds unless compounds2
+ data_combined = OpenTox::Dataset.create(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-dataset"],subjectid)
+ LOGGER.debug("merging datasets #{dataset1.uri} and #{dataset2.uri} to #{data_combined.uri}")
+ [[dataset1, features1, compounds1], [dataset2, features2, compounds2]].each do |dataset,features,compounds|
+ compounds.each{|c| data_combined.add_compound(c)}
+ features.each do |f|
+ m = dataset.features[f]
+ m[OT.hasSource] = dataset.uri unless m[OT.hasSource]
+ data_combined.add_feature(f,m)
+ compounds.each do |c|
+ dataset.data_entries[c][f].each do |v|
+ data_combined.add(c,f,v)
+ end if dataset.data_entries[c] and dataset.data_entries[c][f]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ metadata = {} unless metadata
+ metadata[OT.hasSource] = "Merge from #{dataset1.uri} and #{dataset2.uri}" unless metadata[OT.hasSource]
+ data_combined.add_metadata(metadata)
+ data_combined
+ end
# Save dataset at the dataset service
# - creates a new dataset if uri is not set
# - overwrites dataset if uri exists
diff --git a/lib/opentox-ruby.rb b/lib/opentox-ruby.rb
index 1fa2a86..d25632c 100644
--- a/lib/opentox-ruby.rb
+++ b/lib/opentox-ruby.rb
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ rescue LoadError
['opentox', 'compound','dataset', 'parser','serializer', 'algorithm','model','task','validation','feature',
- 'rest_client_wrapper', 'authorization', 'policy', 'helper', 'to-html', 'ontology' ].each do |lib|
+ 'rest_client_wrapper', 'authorization', 'policy', 'helper', 'to-html', 'ontology', 'r-util' ].each do |lib|
require lib
diff --git a/lib/parser.rb b/lib/parser.rb
index ae8ada6..18c0ba7 100644
--- a/lib/parser.rb
+++ b/lib/parser.rb
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ module OpenTox
`rapper -i rdfxml -o ntriples #{file.path} 2>/dev/null`.each_line do |line|
triple = line.to_triple
if triple[0] == @uri
- if triple[1] == RDF.type || triple[1]==OT.predictedVariables # allow multiple types
+ if triple[1] == RDF.type || triple[1]==OT.predictedVariables || triple[1]==OT.independentVariables # allow multiple types
@metadata[triple[1]] = [] unless @metadata[triple[1]]
@metadata[triple[1]] << triple[2].split('^^').first
diff --git a/lib/r-util.rb b/lib/r-util.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7163c46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/r-util.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+# pending: package dir hack ---------
+# CONFIG[:base_dir] = "/home/<user>/opentox-ruby/www"
+# PACKAGE_DIR = "/home/<user>/opentox-ruby/r-packages"
+package_dir = CONFIG[:base_dir].split("/")
+package_dir[-1] = "r-packages"
+package_dir = package_dir.join("/")
+PACKAGE_DIR = package_dir
+require "tempfile"
+module OpenTox
+ class RUtil
+ @@feats = {}
+ def initialize
+ @r =,false) unless defined?(@r) and @r
+ @r.eval ".libPaths('#{PACKAGE_DIR}')"
+ @r_packages = @r.pull "installed.packages()[,1]"
+ ["sampling","gam","vegan"].each{|l| install_package(l)} #"caret", "smacof", "TunePareto"
+ @r.eval "source('#{File.join(Gem.loaded_specs['opentox-ruby'].full_gem_path,'lib/stratification.R')}')"
+ end
+ def quit_r
+ begin
+ @r.quit
+ @r = nil
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ def r
+ @r
+ end
+ def package_installed?( package )
+ @r_packages.include?(package)
+ end
+ def install_package( package )
+ unless package_installed?(package)
+ LOGGER.debug "r-util> installing r-package #{package} to #{PACKAGE_DIR}"
+ @r.eval "install.packages('#{package}', repos='', lib='#{PACKAGE_DIR}')"
+ end
+ end
+ # <0 -> array1 << array2
+ # 0 -> no significant difference
+ # >0 -> array2 >> array1
+ def paired_ttest(array1, array2, significance_level=0.95)
+ @r.assign "v1",array1
+ @r.assign "v2",array2
+ @r.eval "ttest = t.test(as.numeric(v1),as.numeric(v2),paired=T)"
+ t = @r.pull "ttest$statistic"
+ p = @r.pull "ttest$p.value"
+ if (1-significance_level > p)
+ t
+ else
+ 0
+ end
+ end
+ # example:
+ # files = ["/tmp/box.svg","/tmp/box.png"]
+ # data = [ [ :method, [4,4,5,5,4,3,2] ], [ :method2, [1,2,3,4,5,4,6] ], [ :asdf, [9,1,8,0,7,1,6] ] ]
+ # boxplot(files, data, "comparison1" )
+ #
+ def boxplot(files, data, title="")
+ LOGGER.debug("r-util> create boxplot")
+ assign_dataframe("boxdata",data.collect{|e| e[1]}.transpose,nil,data.collect{|e| e[0].to_s})
+ plot_to_files(files) do |file|
+ @r.eval "boxplot(boxdata,main='#{title}',col=rep(2:#{data.size+1}))"
+ end
+ end
+ # embedds feature values of two datasets into 2D and plots it
+ # fast_plot = true -> PCA, fast_plot = false -> SMACOF (iterative optimisation method)
+ #
+ def feature_value_plot(files, dataset_uri1, dataset_uri2, dataset_name1, dataset_name2,
+ features=nil, fast_plot=true, subjectid=nil, waiting_task=nil)
+ raise "r-package smacof missing" if fast_plot==false and !package_installed?("smacof")
+ LOGGER.debug("r-util> create feature value plot")
+ d1 = OpenTox::Dataset.find(dataset_uri1,subjectid)
+ d2 = OpenTox::Dataset.find(dataset_uri2,subjectid)
+ if features
+ [d1, d2].each{|d| features.each{|f| raise "feature not included" unless d.features.keys.include?(f)}}
+ else
+ raise "different\n#{d1.features.keys.sort.to_yaml}\n#{d2.features.keys.sort.to_yaml}" if
+ (d1.features.keys.sort != d2.features.keys.sort)
+ features = d1.features.keys
+ end
+ raise "at least two features needed" if d1.features.keys.size<2
+ waiting_task.progress(25) if waiting_task
+ df1 = dataset_to_dataframe(d1,0,subjectid,features)
+ df2 = dataset_to_dataframe(d2,0,subjectid,features)
+ waiting_task.progress(50) if waiting_task
+ @r.eval "df <- rbind(#{df1},#{df2})"
+ @r.eval "split <- c(rep(0,nrow(#{df1})),rep(1,nrow(#{df2})))"
+ @r.names = [dataset_name1, dataset_name2]
+ LOGGER.debug("r-util> - convert data to 2d")
+ @r.eval "df.2d <- plot_pre_process(df, method='#{(fast_plot ? "pca" : "smacof")}')"
+ waiting_task.progress(75) if waiting_task
+ if fast_plot
+ info = "main='PCA-Embedding of #{features.size} features',xlab='PC1',ylab='PC2'"
+ else
+ info = "main='SMACOF-Embedding of #{features.size} features',xlab='x',ylab='y'"
+ end
+ LOGGER.debug("r-util> - plot data")
+ plot_to_files(files) do |file|
+ @r.eval "plot_split( df.2d, split, names, #{info})"
+ end
+ end
+ # plots a double histogram
+ # data1 and data2 are arrays with values, either numerical or categorial (string values)
+ # is_numerical, boolean flag indicating value types
+ # log (only for numerical), plot logarithm of values
+ def double_hist_plot(files, data1, data2, is_numerical, log=false, name1="first", name2="second", title="title", xaxis="x-values")
+ LOGGER.debug("r-util> create double hist plot")
+ all = data1 + data2
+ if (is_numerical)
+ @r.eval "double_plot <- function(data1, data2, log=FALSE, names=c('data1','data2'), title='title', xlab='x-values')
+ {
+ if (log)
+ {
+ data1 <- log(data1)
+ data2 <- log(data2)
+ xlab = paste('logarithm of',xlab,sep=' ')
+ }
+ xlims <- round(c(min(c(min(data1),min(data2))),max(c(max(data1),max(data2)))))
+ h <- hist(rbind(data1,data2),plot=F)
+ h1 <- hist(data1,plot=F,breaks=h$breaks)
+ h2 <- hist(data2,plot=F,breaks=h$breaks)
+ xlims = c(min(h$breaks),max(h$breaks))
+ ylims = c(0,max(h1$counts,h2$counts))
+ xaxps = c(min(h$breaks),max(h$breaks),(length(h$breaks)-1))
+ plot(h1, col=rgb(1,0,0,2/4), xlim=xlims, xaxp=xaxps, ylim=ylims,
+ main=title, xlab=xlab, ylab='counts' )
+ plot(h2, col=rgb(0,1,0,2/4), add=T )
+ legend('topleft',names,lty=c(1,1),col=c('red','green'))
+ }"
+ @r.assign("data1",data1)
+ @r.assign("data2",data2)
+ @r.legend = [name1, name2]
+ else
+ raise "log not valid for categorial" if log
+ vals = all.uniq.sort!
+ counts1 = vals.collect{|e| data1.count(e)}
+ counts2 = vals.collect{|e| data2.count(e)}
+ @r.data1 = counts1
+ @r.data2 = counts2
+ @r.value_names = [name1, name2]
+ @r.legend = vals
+ @r.eval("data <- cbind(data1,data2)")
+ end
+ plot_to_files(files) do |file|
+ if (is_numerical)
+ @r.eval "double_plot(data1,data2,log=#{log ? "T":"F"},names=legend,title='#{title}',xlab='#{xaxis}')"
+ else
+ @r.eval("bp <- barplot(data, beside=T, names.arg=value_names,
+ main='#{title}', col=sort(rep(2:3,length(legend))))") #legend.text=c(legend),
+ @r.eval "text(bp, 0, round(data, 1),cex=1,pos=3)"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # stratified splits a dataset into two dataset the feature values
+ # all features are taken into account unless <split_features> is given
+ def stratified_split( dataset, missing_values="NA", pct=0.3, subjectid=nil, seed=42, split_features=nil )
+ raise "not a loaded ot-dataset" unless dataset.is_a?(OpenTox::Dataset) and dataset.compounds.size>0 and dataset.features.size>0
+ LOGGER.debug("r-util> apply stratified split to #{dataset.uri}")
+ df = dataset_to_dataframe( dataset, missing_values, subjectid, split_features )
+ @r.eval "set.seed(#{seed})"
+ @r.eval "split <- stratified_split(#{df}, ratio=#{pct})"
+ split = @r.pull 'split'
+ split = split.collect{|s| 1-s.to_i} # reverse 1s and 0s, as 1 means selected, but 0 will be first set
+ split_to_datasets( df, split, subjectid )
+ end
+ # dataset should be loaded completely (use Dataset.find)
+ # takes duplicates into account
+ # replaces missing values with param <missing_value>
+ # returns dataframe-variable-name in R
+ def dataset_to_dataframe( dataset, missing_value="NA", subjectid=nil, features=nil )
+ LOGGER.debug "r-util> convert dataset to dataframe #{dataset.uri}"
+ # count duplicates
+ num_compounds = {}
+ dataset.features.keys.each do |f|
+ dataset.compounds.each do |c|
+ if dataset.data_entries[c]
+ val = dataset.data_entries[c][f]
+ size = val==nil ? 1 : val.size
+ num_compounds[c] = num_compounds[c]==nil ? size : [num_compounds[c],size].max
+ else
+ num_compounds[c] = 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # use either all, or the provided features, sorting is important as col-index := features
+ if features
+ features.sort!
+ else
+ features = dataset.features.keys.sort
+ end
+ compounds = []
+ dataset.compounds.each do |c|
+ num_compounds[c].times do |i|
+ compounds << c
+ end
+ end
+ # values into 2D array, then to dataframe
+ d_values = []
+ dataset.compounds.each do |c|
+ num_compounds[c].times do |i|
+ c_values = []
+ features.each do |f|
+ if dataset.data_entries[c]
+ val = dataset.data_entries[c][f]
+ v = val==nil ? "" : val[i].to_s
+ else
+ raise "wtf" if i>0
+ v = ""
+ end
+ v = missing_value if v.size()==0
+ c_values << v
+ end
+ d_values << c_values
+ end
+ end
+ df_name = "df_#{dataset.uri.split("/")[-1].split("?")[0]}"
+ assign_dataframe(df_name,d_values,compounds,features)
+ # set dataframe column types accordingly
+ f_count = 1 #R starts at 1
+ features.each do |f|
+ feat = OpenTox::Feature.find(f,subjectid)
+ nominal = feat.metadata[RDF.type].to_a.flatten.include?(OT.NominalFeature)
+ if nominal
+ @r.eval "#{df_name}[,#{f_count}] <- as.character(#{df_name}[,#{f_count}])"
+ else
+ @r.eval "#{df_name}[,#{f_count}] <- as.numeric(#{df_name}[,#{f_count}])"
+ end
+ f_count += 1
+ end
+ #@r.eval "head(#{df_name})"
+ # store compounds, and features (including metainformation)
+ @@feats[df_name] = {}
+ features.each do |f|
+ @@feats[df_name][f] = dataset.features[f]
+ end
+ df_name
+ end
+ # converts a dataframe into a dataset (a new dataset is created at the dataset webservice)
+ # this is only possible if a superset of the dataframe was created by dataset_to_dataframe (metadata and URIs!)
+ def dataframe_to_dataset( df, subjectid=nil )
+ dataframe_to_dataset_indices( df, subjectid, nil)
+ end
+ private
+ def dataframe_to_dataset_indices( df, subjectid=nil, compound_indices=nil )
+ raise unless @@feats[df].size>0
+ values, compounds, features = pull_dataframe(df)
+ features.each{|f| raise unless @@feats[df][f]}
+ dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.create(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-dataset"],subjectid)
+ LOGGER.debug "r-util> convert dataframe to dataset #{dataset.uri}"
+ compounds.size.times{|i| dataset.add_compound(compounds[i]) if compound_indices==nil or compound_indices.include?(i)}
+ features.each{|f| dataset.add_feature(f,@@feats[df][f])}
+ features.size.times do |c|
+ feat = OpenTox::Feature.find(features[c],subjectid)
+ nominal = feat.metadata[RDF.type].to_a.flatten.include?(OT.NominalFeature)
+ compounds.size.times do |r|
+ if compound_indices==nil or compound_indices.include?(r)
+ dataset.add(compounds[r],features[c],nominal ? values[r][c] : values[r][c].to_f) if values[r][c]!="NA"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ dataset
+ end
+ def split_to_datasets( df, split, subjectid=nil )
+ sets = []
+ (split.min.to_i .. split.max.to_i).each do |i|
+ indices = []
+ split.size.times{|j| indices<<j if split[j]==i}
+ dataset = dataframe_to_dataset_indices( df, subjectid, indices )
+ LOGGER.debug("r-util> split into #{dataset.uri}, c:#{dataset.compounds.size}, f:#{dataset.features.size}")
+ sets << dataset
+ end
+ sets
+ end
+ def pull_dataframe(df)
+ tmp = File.join(Dir.tmpdir,"_"+rand(10000).to_s+".csv")
+ @r.eval "write.table(#{df},file='#{tmp}',sep='#')"
+ res = []; compounds = []; features = []
+ first = true
+ file =, 'r')
+ file.each_line("\n") do |row|
+ if first
+ features = row.chomp.split("#").collect{|e| e.gsub("\"","")}
+ first = false
+ else
+ vals = row.chomp.split("#").collect{|e| e.gsub("\"","")}
+ compounds << vals[0]
+ res << vals[1..-1]
+ end
+ end
+ begin File.delete(tmp); rescue; end
+ return res, compounds, features
+ end
+ def assign_dataframe(df,input,rownames,colnames)
+ tmp = File.join(Dir.tmpdir,"_"+rand(10000).to_s+".csv")
+ file =, 'w')
+ input.each{|i| file.puts(i.collect{|e| "\"#{e}\""}.join("#")+"\n")}
+ file.flush
+ @r.rownames = rownames if rownames
+ @r.colnames = colnames
+ @r.eval "#{df} <- read.table(file='#{tmp}',sep='#',"+
+ "#{rownames ? "row.names=rownames" : ""},col.names=colnames,check.names=F)"
+ begin File.delete(tmp); rescue; end
+ end
+ def plot_to_files(files)
+ files.each do |file|
+ if file=~/(?i)\.svg/
+ @r.eval("svg('#{file}',10,8)")
+ elsif file=~/(?i)\.png/
+ @r.eval("png('#{file}')")
+ else
+ raise "invalid format: "+file.to_s
+ end
+ yield file
+ LOGGER.debug "r-util> plotted to #{file}"
+ @r.eval("")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/stratification.R b/lib/stratification.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76ff2d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/stratification.R
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+nominal_to_binary <- function( data )
+ result = NULL
+ for (i in 1:ncol(data))
+ {
+ #print(i)
+ if (is.numeric( data[,i] ) )
+ {
+ if (is.null(result))
+ result = data.frame(data[,i])
+ else
+ result = data.frame(result, data[,i])
+ colnames(result)[ncol(result)] <- colnames(data)[i]
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vals = unique(data[,i])
+ for (j in 1:length(vals))
+ {
+ #print(j)
+ bins = c()
+ for (k in 1:nrow(data))
+ {
+ if(data[,i][k] == vals[j])
+ bins = c(bins,1)
+ else
+ bins = c(bins,0)
+ }
+ #print(bins)
+ if (is.null(result))
+ result = data.frame(bins)
+ else
+ result = data.frame(result, bins)
+ colnames(result)[ncol(result)] <- paste(colnames(data)[i],"is",vals[j])
+ if (length(vals)==2) break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #print(head(result))
+ result
+process_data <- function( data )
+ data.num <-
+ if (!is.numeric(data.num))
+ {
+ data.num = nominal_to_binary(data.num)
+ }
+ if(any(
+ {
+ require("gam")
+ data.repl = na.gam.replace(data.num)
+ }
+ else
+ data.repl = data.num
+ data.repl
+cluster <- function( data, min=10, max=15 )
+ require("vegan")
+ max <- min(max,nrow(unique(data)))
+ max <- min(max,nrow(data)-1)
+ if (min>max)
+ min=max
+ print(paste("cascade k-means ",min," - ",max))
+ s = cascadeKM(data,min,max,iter=30)
+ m = max.col(s$results)[2]
+ print(paste("best k-means clustering result: ",((m-1)+min)," num clusters"))
+ cbind(s$partition[,m])
+stratified_split <- function( data, ratio=0.3, method="cluster" )
+ data.processed = as.matrix(process_data( data ))
+ if (method == "samplecube")
+ {
+ require("sampling")
+ # adjust ratio to make samplecube return exact number of samples
+ ratio = round(nrow(data.processed)*ratio)/nrow(data.processed)
+ pik = rep(ratio,times=nrow(data.processed))
+ data.strat = cbind(pik,data.processed)
+ samplecube(data.strat,pik,order=2,comment=F)
+ }
+ else if (method == "cluster")
+ {
+ cl = cluster(data.processed)
+# require("caret")
+# res = createDataPartition(cl,p=ratio)
+# split = rep(1, times=nrow(data))
+# for (j in 1:nrow(data))
+# if (,res$Resample1)) )
+# split[j]=0
+# split
+ require("sampling")
+ stratified_split(cl,ratio,"samplecube")
+ }
+ else
+ stop("unknown method")
+stratified_k_fold_split <- function( data, num_folds=10, method="cluster" )
+ print(paste(num_folds,"-fold-split, data-size",nrow(data)))
+ data.processed = as.matrix(process_data( data ))
+ if (method == "samplecube")
+ {
+ folds = rep(0, times=nrow(data))
+ for (i in 1:(num_folds-1))
+ {
+ require("sampling")
+ prop = 1/(num_folds-(i-1))
+ print(paste("fold",i,"/",num_folds," prop",prop))
+ pik = rep(prop,times=nrow(data))
+ for (j in 1:nrow(data))
+ if(folds[j]!=0)
+ pik[j]=0
+ data.strat = cbind(pik,data.processed)
+ s<-samplecube(data.strat,pik,order=2,comment=F)
+ print(paste("fold size: ",sum(s)))
+ for (j in 1:nrow(data))
+ if (s[j] == 1)
+ folds[j]=i
+ }
+ for (j in 1:nrow(data))
+ if (folds[j] == 0)
+ folds[j]=num_folds
+ folds
+ }
+ else if (method == "cluster")
+ {
+ require("TunePareto")
+ cl = cluster(data.processed)
+ res = generateCVRuns(cl,ntimes=1,nfold=3)
+ folds = rep(0, times=nrow(data))
+ for (i in 1:num_folds)
+ for(j in 1:length(res[[1]][[i]]))
+ folds[res[[1]][[i]][j]]=i
+ folds
+ }
+ else
+ stop("unknown method")
+plot_pre_process <- function( data, method="pca" )
+ data.processed = process_data( data )
+ if (method == "pca")
+ {
+ data.pca <- prcomp(data.processed, scale=TRUE)
+ }
+ else if (method == "smacof")
+ {
+ require("smacof")
+ data.emb <- smacofSym(dist(data.processed, method = "euclidean"), ndim=2, verbose=T)
+ data.emb$conf
+ }
+ else
+ stop("unknown method")
+plot_split <- function( data, split, names=NULL, ... )
+ if (ncol(data)!=2 || !is.numeric(data[,1]) || !is.numeric(data[,2]))
+ stop("data not suitable for plotting, plot_pre_process() first")
+ plot( NULL, xlim = extendrange(data[,1]), ylim = extendrange(data[,2]), ... )
+ if (is.null(names))
+ names <- c("split 1","split 2")
+ colos = as.double(rep(2:(max(split)+2)))
+ legend("topleft",names,pch=2,col=colos)
+ for (j in max(split):0)
+ {
+ set = c()
+ for (i in 1:nrow(data))
+ if (split[i] == j)
+ set = c(set,i)
+ points(data[set,], pch = 2, col=(j+2))
+ }
+#a<-matrix(rnorm(100, mean=50, sd=4), ncol=5)
+#b<-matrix(rnorm(5000, mean=0, sd=10), ncol=5)
+#c<-matrix(rnorm(50, mean=-50, sd=2), ncol=5)
+#split = stratified_k_fold_split(data, num_folds=3)
+#split = stratified_split(data, ratio=0.33, method="cluster")
+#cl = cluster(data)
diff --git a/lib/task.rb b/lib/task.rb
index 66825cd..102f4dc 100644
--- a/lib/task.rb
+++ b/lib/task.rb
@@ -242,18 +242,20 @@ module OpenTox
# waits for a task, unless time exceeds or state is no longer running
# @param [optional,OpenTox::Task] waiting_task (can be a OpenTox::Subtask as well), progress is updated accordingly
# @param [optional,Numeric] dur seconds pausing before cheking again for completion
- def wait_for_completion( waiting_task=nil, dur=0.3)
+ def wait_for_completion( waiting_task=nil)
waiting_task.waiting_for(self.uri) if waiting_task
+ start_time =
+ dur = 0
LOGGER.debug "start waiting for task "+@uri.to_s+" at: "", waiting at least until "+due_to_time.to_s
load_metadata # for extremely fast tasks
while self.running? or self.queued?
sleep dur
- #LOGGER.debug "dv ---------------- dur: '#{dur}'"
- dur = dur*2 unless dur>=30.0
+ dur = [[( - start_time)/20.0,0.3].max,300.0].min
+ #LOGGER.debug "task-object-id: #{self.object_id} - wait: #{"%.2f"%( - start_time)} - dur: #{"%.2f"%dur}"
# if another (sub)task is waiting for self, set progress accordingly
waiting_task.progress(@metadata[OT.percentageCompleted].to_f) if waiting_task