diff options
authorAndreas Maunz <>2012-09-20 08:34:44 +0200
committerAndreas Maunz <>2012-09-20 08:34:44 +0200
commita9a4d2f415743d88eb909e6a1761ad80bcccf844 (patch)
parent5470c03f091ac9c02bcb33d74ecfe9b672721899 (diff)
Fixed creator
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/lib/utils.rb b/lib/utils.rb
index 4a04c58..5efba3c 100644
--- a/lib/utils.rb
+++ b/lib/utils.rb
@@ -55,11 +55,6 @@ module OpenTox
cdk_ids.shift # remove SMILES
cdk_single_ids.shift # remove SMILES
params[:task].progress(params[:task].metadata[OT.percentageCompleted] + task_weights["cdk"]) if params[:task]
- #ambit_result_uri, smiles_to_inchi, cdk_ids = get_cdk_descriptors( { :compounds => compounds, :pc_type => params[:pc_type], :task => params[:task], :step => task_weights["cdk"], :descriptor => params[:descriptor] } )
- ##LOGGER.debug "Ambit result uri for #{params.inspect}: '#{ambit_result_uri.to_yaml}'"
- #cdk_master, cdk_ids, ambit_ids = load_ds_csv(ambit_result_uri, smiles_to_inchi, cdk_ids )
- #params[:task].progress(params[:task].metadata[OT.percentageCompleted] + task_weights["load"]) if params[:task]
# # # fuse CSVs ("master" structures)
@@ -106,7 +101,7 @@ module OpenTox
raise "Feature not found" if ! ds.features[File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s)]
ds.add_feature_metadata(File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s),{DC.description => "#{pc_descriptors[cdk_ids[idx]][:name]} [#{pc_descriptors[cdk_ids[idx]][:pc_type]}, #{pc_descriptors[cdk_ids[idx]][:lib]}]"})
creator_uri = ds.uri.gsub(/\/dataset\/.*/, "/algorithm/pc")
- creator_uri += "/#{id}" if params[:add_uri]
+ creator_uri += "/#{cdk_ids[idx]}" if params[:add_uri]
ds.add_feature_metadata(File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s),{DC.creator => creator_uri})
ds.add_feature_metadata(File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s),{OT.hasSource => params[:dataset_uri]})
@@ -365,64 +360,6 @@ module OpenTox
- # Load dataset via CSV
- # @param[Array] Ambit result uri, piecewise (1st: base, 2nd: SMILES, 3rd+: features
- # @param[Hash] keys: SMILES, values: InChIs
- # @param[Array] field descriptions, one for each feature
- # @return[Array] CSV, array of field ids, array of field descriptions
- def self.load_ds_csv(ambit_result_uri, smiles_to_inchi, single_ids, subjectid=nil)
- master=nil
- ids=[]
- ambit_ids=[]
- if ambit_result_uri.size > 0
- (1...ambit_result_uri.size).collect { |idx|
- curr_uri = ambit_result_uri[0] + ambit_result_uri[idx]
- #LOGGER.debug "Requesting #{curr_uri}"
- csv_data = CSV.parse( OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get(curr_uri, {:accept => "text/csv", :subjectid => subjectid}) )
- if csv_data[0] && csv_data[0].size>1
- if master.nil? # This is the smiles entry
- (1...csv_data.size).each{ |idx| csv_data[idx][1] = smiles_to_inchi[csv_data[idx][1]] }
- master = csv_data
- next
- else
- index_uri = csv_data[0].index("SMILES")
- {|i| i.delete_at(index_uri)} if index_uri #Removes additional SMILES information
- nr_cols = (csv_data[0].size)-1
- LOGGER.debug "Merging #{nr_cols} new columns"
- ids +=, single_ids[idx-2])
- master.each {|row| nr_cols.times { row.push(nil) } } # Adds empty columns to all rows
- csv_data.each do |row|
- temp = master.assoc(row[0]) # Finds the appropriate line in master
- ((-1*nr_cols)..-1).collect.each { |idx|
- temp[idx] = row[nr_cols+idx+1] if temp # Updates columns if line is found
- }
- end
- end
- end
- }
- index_uri = master[0].index("Compound")
- {|i| i.delete_at(index_uri)}
- master[0].each {|cell| cell.chomp!(" ")}
- master[0][0] = "Compound" #"SMILES"
- index_smi = master[0].index("SMILES")
- {|i| i.delete_at(index_smi)} if index_smi
- master[0][0] = "SMILES"
- ambit_ids=master[0].collect {|header| header.to_s.gsub(/[\/.\\\(\)\{\}\[\]]/,"_")}
- ambit_ids.shift
- end
- #LOGGER.debug "-------- AM: Writing to dumpfile"
-"/tmp/test.csv", 'w') {|f| f.write( master.collect {|r| r.join(",")}.join("\n") ) }
- [ master, ids, ambit_ids ]
- end
# Gauss kernel
# @return [Float]
def self.gauss(x, sigma = 0.3)