path: root/lib/utils.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/utils.rb')
1 files changed, 356 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/lib/utils.rb b/lib/utils.rb
index d9d7b4b..149208b 100644
--- a/lib/utils.rb
+++ b/lib/utils.rb
@@ -1,155 +1,414 @@
require 'csv'
+require 'tempfile'
module OpenTox
module Algorithm
+ @ambit_descriptor_algorithm_uri = ""
+ @ambit_ds_service_uri = ""
+ @ambit_mopac_model_uri = ""
+ @keysfile = File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".opentox", "config", "pc_descriptors.yaml")
include OpenTox
# Calculate physico-chemical descriptors.
- # @param[Hash] Required keys: :dataset_uri, :pc_type
+ # @param[Hash] required: :dataset_uri, :pc_type, :rjb, :task, :add_uri, optional: :descriptor, :lib, :subjectid
# @return[String] dataset uri
def self.pc_descriptors(params)
+ ds = OpenTox::Dataset.find(params[:dataset_uri],params[:subjectid])
+ compounds = ds.compounds.collect
+ task_weights = {"joelib"=> 20, "openbabel"=> 1, "cdk"=> 50 }
+ task_weights.keys.each { |step| task_weights.delete(step) if (params[:lib] && (!params[:lib].split(",").include?(step)))}
+ task_weights["load"] = 10
+ task_sum = Float task_weights.values.sum
+ task_weights.keys.each { |step| task_weights[step] /= task_sum }
+ task_weights.keys.each { |step| task_weights[step] = (task_weights[step]*100).floor }
+ jl_master=nil
+ cdk_master=nil
+ ob_master=nil
+ # # # openbabel (via ruby bindings)
+ if !params[:lib] || params[:lib].split(",").include?("openbabel")
+ ob_master, ob_ids = get_ob_descriptors( { :compounds => compounds, :pc_type => params[:pc_type], :descriptor => params[:descriptor] } )
+ params[:task].progress(params[:task].metadata[OT.percentageCompleted] + task_weights["openbabel"]) if params[:task]
+ end
+ # # # joelib (via rjb)
+ if !params[:lib] || params[:lib].split(",").include?("joelib")
+ jl_master, jl_ids = get_jl_descriptors( { :compounds => compounds, :rjb => params[:rjb], :pc_type => params[:pc_type], :descriptor => params[:descriptor] } )
+ params[:task].progress(params[:task].metadata[OT.percentageCompleted] + task_weights["joelib"]) if params[:task]
+ end
+ # # # cdk (via REST)
+ if !params[:lib] || params[:lib].split(",").include?("cdk")
+ ambit_result_uri, smiles_to_inchi, cdk_ids = get_cdk_descriptors( { :compounds => compounds, :pc_type => params[:pc_type], :task => params[:task], :step => task_weights["cdk"], :descriptor => params[:descriptor] } )
+ #LOGGER.debug "Ambit result uri for #{params.inspect}: '#{ambit_result_uri.to_yaml}'"
+ cdk_master, cdk_ids, ambit_ids = load_ds_csv(ambit_result_uri, smiles_to_inchi, cdk_ids )
+ params[:task].progress(params[:task].metadata[OT.percentageCompleted] + task_weights["load"]) if params[:task]
+ end
+ # # # fuse CSVs ("master" structures)
+ if jl_master && cdk_master
+ nr_cols = (jl_master[0].size)-1
+ LOGGER.debug "Merging #{nr_cols} new columns"
+ cdk_master.each {|row| nr_cols.times { row.push(nil) } }
+ jl_master.each do |row|
+ temp = cdk_master.assoc(row[0]) # Finds the appropriate line in master
+ ((-1*nr_cols)..-1).collect.each { |idx|
+ temp[idx] = row[nr_cols+idx+1] if temp # Updates columns if line is found
+ }
+ end
+ master = cdk_master
+ else # either jl_master or cdk_master nil
+ master = jl_master || cdk_master
+ end
+ if ob_master && master
+ nr_cols = (ob_master[0].size)-1
+ LOGGER.debug "Merging #{nr_cols} new columns"
+ master.each {|row| nr_cols.times { row.push(nil) } } # Adds empty columns to all rows
+ ob_master.each do |row|
+ temp = master.assoc(row[0]) # Finds the appropriate line in master
+ ((-1*nr_cols)..-1).collect.each { |idx|
+ temp[idx] = row[nr_cols+idx+1] if temp # Updates columns if line is found
+ }
+ end
+ else # either ob_master or master nil
+ master = ob_master || master
+ end
+ if master
+ ds = OpenTox::Dataset.find(
+ File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-dataset"]), master.collect { |row| row.join(",") }.join("\n"), {:content_type => "text/csv", :subjectid => params[:subjectid]}
+ ),params[:subjectid]
+ )
+ # # # add feature metadata
+ pc_descriptors = YAML::load_file(@keysfile)
+ ambit_ids && ambit_ids.each_with_index { |id,idx|
+ raise "Feature not found" if ! ds.features[File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s)]
+ ds.add_feature_metadata(File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s),{DC.description => "#{pc_descriptors[cdk_ids[idx]][:name]} [#{pc_descriptors[cdk_ids[idx]][:pc_type]}, #{pc_descriptors[cdk_ids[idx]][:lib]}]"})
+ ds.add_feature_metadata(File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s),{DC.creator => @ambit_descriptor_algorithm_uri + cdk_ids[idx]})
+ ds.add_feature_metadata(File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s),{OT.hasSource => params[:dataset_uri]})
+ }
+ ob_ids && ob_ids.each { |id|
+ raise "Feature not found" if ! ds.features[File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s)]
+ ds.add_feature_metadata(File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s),{DC.description => "#{pc_descriptors[id][:name]} [#{pc_descriptors[id][:pc_type]}, #{pc_descriptors[id][:lib]}]"})
+ creator_uri = ds.uri.gsub(/\/dataset\/.*/, "/algorithm/pc")
+ creator_uri += "/#{id}" if params[:add_uri]
+ ds.add_feature_metadata(File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s),{DC.creator => creator_uri})
+ ds.add_feature_metadata(File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s),{OT.hasSource => params[:dataset_uri]})
+ }
+ jl_ids && jl_ids.each { |id|
+ raise "Feature not found" if ! ds.features[File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s)]
+ ds.add_feature_metadata(File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s),{DC.description => "#{pc_descriptors[id][:name]} [#{pc_descriptors[id][:pc_type]}, #{pc_descriptors[id][:lib]}]"})
+ creator_uri = ds.uri.gsub(/\/dataset\/.*/, "/algorithm/pc")
+ creator_uri += "/#{id}" if params[:add_uri]
+ ds.add_feature_metadata(File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s),{DC.creator => creator_uri})
+ ds.add_feature_metadata(File.join(ds.uri, "feature", id.to_s),{OT.hasSource => params[:dataset_uri]})
+ }
+ else
+ raise "No descriptors matching your criteria found."
+ end
+ end
+ # Calculate OpenBabel physico-chemical descriptors.
+ # @param[Hash] required: :compounds, :pc_type, :task, optional: :descriptor
+ # @return[Array] CSV, array of field ids, array of field descriptions
+ def self.get_ob_descriptors(params)
+ master = nil
- ds = OpenTox::Dataset.find(params[:dataset_uri])
- compounds = ds.compounds.collect
- ambit_result_uri, smiles_to_inchi = get_pc_descriptors( { :compounds => compounds, :pc_type => params[:pc_type] } )
- #ambit_result_uri = ["" ,"feature_uris[]", "feature_uris[]"] # for testing
- LOGGER.debug "Ambit result uri for #{params.inspect}: '#{ambit_result_uri.to_yaml}'"
- load_ds_csv(ambit_result_uri, smiles_to_inchi)
+ csvfile =['ob_descriptors-','.csv'])
+ pc_descriptors = YAML::load_file(@keysfile)
+ ids = pc_descriptors.collect{ |id, info|
+ id if info[:lib] == "openbabel" && params[:pc_type].split(",").include?(info[:pc_type]) && (!params[:descriptor] || id == params[:descriptor])
+ }.compact
+ if ids.length > 0
+ csvfile.puts((["SMILES"] + ids).join(","))
+ # remember inchis
+ inchis = params[:compounds].collect { |c_uri|
+ URI.encode_www_form_component(
+ }
+ # Process compounds
+ obmol =
+ obconversion =
+ obconversion.set_in_and_out_formats 'inchi', 'can'
+ inchis.each_with_index { |inchi, c_idx|
+ row = [inchis[c_idx]]
+ obconversion.read_string(obmol, URI.decode_www_form_component(inchi))
+ ids.each { |name|
+ if obmol.respond_to?(name.underscore)
+ val = eval("obmol.#{name.underscore}") if obmol.respond_to?(name.underscore)
+ else
+ if name != "nF" && name != "spinMult" && name != "nHal" && name != "logP"
+ val = OpenBabel::OBDescriptor.find_type(name.underscore).predict(obmol)
+ elsif name == "nF"
+ val = OpenBabel::OBDescriptor.find_type("nf").predict(obmol)
+ elsif name == "spinMult" || name == "nHal" || name == "logP"
+ val = OpenBabel::OBDescriptor.find_type(name).predict(obmol)
+ end
+ end
+ if OpenTox::Algorithm.numeric?(val)
+ val = Float(val)
+ val = nil if val.nan?
+ val = nil if (val && val.infinite?)
+ end
+ row << val
+ }
+ LOGGER.debug "Compound #{c_idx+1} (#{inchis.size}), #{row.size} entries"
+ csvfile.puts(row.join(","))
+ csvfile.flush
+ }
+ master = CSV::parse(, "rb").read)
+ end
rescue Exception => e
LOGGER.debug "#{e.class}: #{e.message}"
LOGGER.debug "Backtrace:\n\t#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}"
+ ensure
+ csvfile.close!
+ [ master, ids ]
- # Calculates PC descriptors via Ambit -- DO NOT OVERLOAD Ambit.
- # @param[Hash] Required keys: :compounds, :pc_type
- # @return[Array] Ambit result uri, piecewise (1st: base, 2nd: SMILES, 3rd+: features
- def self.get_pc_descriptors(params)
+ # Calculate Joelib2 physico-chemical descriptors.
+ # @param[Hash] required: :compounds, :pc_type, :task, optional: :descriptor
+ # @return[Array] CSV, array of field ids, array of field descriptions
+ def self.get_jl_descriptors(params)
+ master = nil
+ s = params[:rjb]; raise "No Java environment" unless s
+ # Load keys, enter CSV headers
+ csvfile =['jl_descriptors-','.csv'])
- ambit_ds_service_uri = ""
- ambit_mopac_model_uri = ""
- descs = YAML::load_file( File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".opentox", "config", "ambit_descriptors.yaml") )
- descs_uris = []
- params[:pc_type] = "electronic,cpsa" if params[:pc_type].nil? # rescue missing pc_type
- types = params[:pc_type].split(",")
- descs.each { |uri, cat_name|
- if types.include? cat_name[:category]
- descs_uris << uri
- end
- }
- if descs_uris.size == 0
- raise "Error! Empty set of descriptors. Did you supply one of [geometrical, topological, electronic, constitutional, hybrid, cpsa] ?"
+ pc_descriptors = YAML::load_file(@keysfile)
+ ids = pc_descriptors.collect{ |id, info|
+ id if info[:lib] == "joelib" && params[:pc_type].split(",").include?(info[:pc_type]) && (!params[:descriptor] || id == params[:descriptor])
+ }.compact
+ if ids.length > 0
+ csvfile.puts((["SMILES"] + ids).join(","))
+ # remember inchis
+ inchis = params[:compounds].collect { |c_uri|
+ cmpd =
+ URI.encode_www_form_component(cmpd.to_inchi)
+ }
+ # Process compounds
+ params[:compounds].each_with_index { |c_uri, c_idx|
+ cmpd =
+ inchi = cmpd.to_inchi
+ sdf_data = cmpd.to_sdf
+ infile =['jl_descriptors-in-','.sdf'])
+ outfile_path = infile.path.gsub(/jl_descriptors-in/,"jl_descriptors-out")
+ begin
+ infile.puts sdf_data
+ infile.flush
+, outfile_path) # runs joelib
+ row = [inchis[c_idx]]
+ ids.each_with_index do |k,i| # Fill row
+ re =
+ open(outfile_path) do |f|
+ f.each do |line|
+ if @prev == k
+ entry = line.chomp
+ val = nil
+ if OpenTox::Algorithm.numeric?(entry)
+ val = Float(entry)
+ val = nil if val.nan?
+ val = nil if (val && val.infinite?)
+ end
+ row << val
+ break
+ end
+ @prev = line.gsub(/^.*types./,"").gsub(/count./,"").gsub(/>/,"").chomp if line =~ re
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ LOGGER.debug "Compound #{c_idx+1} (#{inchis.size}), #{row.size} entries"
+ csvfile.puts(row.join(","))
+ csvfile.flush
+ rescue Exception => e
+ LOGGER.debug "#{e.class}: #{e.message}"
+ LOGGER.debug "Backtrace:\n\t#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}"
+ ensure
+ File.delete(infile.path.gsub(/\.sdf/,".numeric.sdf"))
+ File.delete(outfile_path)
+ infile.close!
+ end
+ }
+ master = CSV::parse(, "rb").read)
- #LOGGER.debug "Ambit descriptor URIs: #{descs_uris.join(", ")}"
+ rescue Exception => e
+ LOGGER.debug "#{e.class}: #{e.message}"
+ LOGGER.debug "Backtrace:\n\t#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}"
+ ensure
+ [ csvfile].each { |f| f.close! }
+ end
+ [ master, ids ]
+ end
+ # Calculate CDK physico-chemical descriptors via Ambit -- DO NOT OVERLOAD Ambit.
+ # @param[Hash] required: :compounds, :pc_type, :task, :step optional: :descriptor
+ # @return[Array] array of Ambit result uri, piecewise (1st: base, 2nd: SMILES, 3rd+: features, hash smiles to inchi, array of field descriptions
+ def self.get_cdk_descriptors(params)
+ ambit_result_uri = [] # 1st pos: base uri, then features
+ smiles_to_inchi = {}
+ task_weights = {"electronic"=> 4, "topological"=> 19, "constitutional"=> 12, "geometrical"=> 3, "hybrid"=> 2, "cpsa"=> 1 }
+ task_weights.keys.each { |pc_type| task_weights.delete(pc_type) if (params[:pc_type] && (!params[:pc_type].split(",").include?(pc_type)))}
+ task_sum = Float task_weights.values.sum
+ task_weights.keys.each { |pc_type| task_weights[pc_type] /= task_sum }
+ task_weights.keys.each { |pc_type| task_weights[pc_type] *= params[:step] }
+ # extract wanted descriptors from config file and parameters
+ pc_descriptors = YAML::load_file(@keysfile)
+ ids = pc_descriptors.collect { |id, info|
+ "#{info[:pc_type]}:::#{id}" if info[:lib] == "cdk" && params[:pc_type].split(",").include?(info[:pc_type]) && (!params[:descriptor] || id == params[:descriptor])
+ }.compact
+ if ids.size > 0
+ ids.sort!
+ ids.collect! { |id| id.split(":::").last }
+ # create dataset at Ambit
- # Create SMI
- smiles_array = []; smiles_to_inchi = {}
params[:compounds].each do |n|
cmpd =
smiles_string = cmpd.to_smiles
smiles_to_inchi[smiles_string] = URI.encode_www_form_component(cmpd.to_inchi)
- smiles_array << smiles_string
- smi_file =['pc_ambit', '.csv'])
- pc_descriptors = nil
- # Create Ambit dataset
- smi_file.puts( "SMILES\n" )
- smi_file.puts( smiles_array.join("\n") )
- smi_file.flush
- ambit_ds_uri =, {:file =>}, {:content_type => "multipart/form-data", :accept => "text/uri-list"} )
+ smi_file =['pc_ambit', '.csv']) ; smi_file.puts( "SMILES\n" + smiles_to_inchi.keys.join("\n") ) ; smi_file.flush
+ ambit_ds_uri =, {:file =>}, {:content_type => "multipart/form-data", :accept => "text/uri-list"} )
+ ambit_result_uri = [ ambit_ds_uri + "?" ] # 1st pos: base uri, then features
rescue Exception => e
LOGGER.debug "#{e.class}: #{e.message}"
LOGGER.debug "Backtrace:\n\t#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}"
smi_file.close! if smi_file
- ambit_smiles_uri = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get(ambit_ds_uri + "/features", {:accept=> "text/uri-list"} ).chomp
- # Calculate 3D for CPSA
- if types.include? "cpsa"
- ambit_ds_mopac_uri =, {:dataset_uri => ambit_ds_uri}, {:accept => "text/uri-list"} )
- LOGGER.debug "MOPAC dataset: #{ambit_ds_mopac_uri }"
- end
- # Get Ambit results
- ambit_result_uri = [] # 1st pos: base uri, then features
- ambit_result_uri << ambit_ds_uri + "?"
+ # get SMILES feature URI
+ ambit_smiles_uri = OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get(
+ ambit_ds_uri + "/features",
+ {:accept=> "text/uri-list"}
+ ).chomp
ambit_result_uri << ("feature_uris[]=" + URI.encode_www_form_component(ambit_smiles_uri) + "&")
- descs_uris.each_with_index do |uri, i|
- algorithm =
+ # always calculate 3D (, then get results
+ @ambit_mopac_model_uri,
+ {:dataset_uri => ambit_ds_uri},
+ {:accept => "text/uri-list"}
+ )
+ current_cat = ""
+ ids.each_with_index do |id, i|
+ old_cat = current_cat; current_cat = pc_descriptors[id][:pc_type]
+ params[:task].progress(params[:task].metadata[OT.percentageCompleted] + task_weights[old_cat]) if params[:task] && old_cat != current_cat && old_cat != ""
+ algorithm =
result_uri ={:dataset_uri => ambit_ds_uri})
ambit_result_uri << result_uri.split("?")[1] + "&"
- LOGGER.debug "Ambit (#{descs_uris.size}): #{i+1}"
+ LOGGER.debug "Ambit (#{ids.size}): #{i+1}"
+ params[:task].progress(params[:task].metadata[OT.percentageCompleted] + task_weights[current_cat]) if params[:task]
#LOGGER.debug "Ambit result: #{ambit_result_uri.join('')}"
- [ ambit_result_uri, smiles_to_inchi ]
- rescue Exception => e
- LOGGER.debug "#{e.class}: #{e.message}"
- LOGGER.debug "Backtrace:\n\t#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}"
+ [ ambit_result_uri, smiles_to_inchi, ids ]
# Load dataset via CSV
# @param[Array] Ambit result uri, piecewise (1st: base, 2nd: SMILES, 3rd+: features
- # @return[String] dataset uri
- def self.load_ds_csv(ambit_result_uri, smiles_to_inchi, subjectid=nil)
+ # @param[Hash] keys: SMILES, values: InChIs
+ # @param[Array] field descriptions, one for each feature
+ # @return[Array] CSV, array of field ids, array of field descriptions
+ def self.load_ds_csv(ambit_result_uri, smiles_to_inchi, single_ids, subjectid=nil)
- (1...ambit_result_uri.size).collect { |idx|
- curr_uri = ambit_result_uri[0] + ambit_result_uri[idx]
- LOGGER.debug "Requesting #{curr_uri}"
- csv_data = CSV.parse( OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get(curr_uri, {:accept => "text/csv", :subjectid => subjectid}) )
- if csv_data[0] && csv_data[0].size>1
- if master.nil? # This is the smiles entry
- (1...csv_data.size).each{ |idx| csv_data[idx][1] = smiles_to_inchi[csv_data[idx][1]] }
- master = csv_data
- next
- else
- index_uri = csv_data[0].index("SMILES")
- {|i| i.delete_at(index_uri)} if index_uri #Removes additional SMILES information
- nr_cols = (csv_data[0].size)-1
- LOGGER.debug "Merging #{nr_cols} new columns"
- master.each {|row| nr_cols.times { row.push(nil) } } # Adds empty columns to all rows
- csv_data.each do |row|
- temp = master.assoc(row[0]) # Finds the appropriate line in master
- ((-1*nr_cols)..-1).collect.each { |idx|
- temp[idx] = row[nr_cols+idx+1] if temp # Updates columns if line is found
- }
+ ids=[]
+ ambit_ids=[]
+ if ambit_result_uri.size > 0
+ (1...ambit_result_uri.size).collect { |idx|
+ curr_uri = ambit_result_uri[0] + ambit_result_uri[idx]
+ #LOGGER.debug "Requesting #{curr_uri}"
+ csv_data = CSV.parse( OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get(curr_uri, {:accept => "text/csv", :subjectid => subjectid}) )
+ if csv_data[0] && csv_data[0].size>1
+ if master.nil? # This is the smiles entry
+ (1...csv_data.size).each{ |idx| csv_data[idx][1] = smiles_to_inchi[csv_data[idx][1]] }
+ master = csv_data
+ next
+ else
+ index_uri = csv_data[0].index("SMILES")
+ {|i| i.delete_at(index_uri)} if index_uri #Removes additional SMILES information
+ nr_cols = (csv_data[0].size)-1
+ LOGGER.debug "Merging #{nr_cols} new columns"
+ ids +=, single_ids[idx-2])
+ master.each {|row| nr_cols.times { row.push(nil) } } # Adds empty columns to all rows
+ csv_data.each do |row|
+ temp = master.assoc(row[0]) # Finds the appropriate line in master
+ ((-1*nr_cols)..-1).collect.each { |idx|
+ temp[idx] = row[nr_cols+idx+1] if temp # Updates columns if line is found
+ }
+ end
- end
- }
+ }
- index_uri = master[0].index("Compound")
- {|i| i.delete_at(index_uri)}
- master[0].each {|cell| cell.chomp!(" ")}
- master[0][0] = "Compound" #"SMILES"
- index_smi = master[0].index("SMILES")
- {|i| i.delete_at(index_smi)} if index_smi
- #master[0][0] = "SMILES"
+ index_uri = master[0].index("Compound")
+ {|i| i.delete_at(index_uri)}
+ master[0].each {|cell| cell.chomp!(" ")}
+ master[0][0] = "Compound" #"SMILES"
+ index_smi = master[0].index("SMILES")
+ {|i| i.delete_at(index_smi)} if index_smi
+ master[0][0] = "SMILES"
+ ambit_ids=master[0].collect {|header| header.to_s.gsub(/[\/.\\\(\)\{\}\[\]]/,"_")}
+ ambit_ids.shift
+ end
#LOGGER.debug "-------- AM: Writing to dumpfile""/tmp/test.csv", 'w') {|f| f.write( master.collect {|r| r.join(",")}.join("\n") ) }
- parser =
- ds =,subjectid)
- parser.dataset = ds
- ds = parser.load_csv(master.collect{|r| r.join(",")}.join("\n"))
+ [ master, ids, ambit_ids ]
@@ -208,8 +467,8 @@ module OpenTox
- # Effect calculation for classification
- # @param [Array] Array of occurrences per class in the form of Enumerables.
+ # Effect calculation for classification. It is assumed that the elements of the arrays match each other pairwise
+ # @param [Array] Array of occurrences per class (in the form of Enumerables).
# @param [Array] Array of database instance counts per class.
def self.effect(occurrences, db_instances)