AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-12-15Duration time doubles after each status check while waiting for task completi...pcdavor
2011-12-08Fixed Bugdavor
2011-12-05Updated version of rack (ruby gem) to 1.3.5.davor
2011-11-30Fixed RubyPlot version, minor bugot1
2011-11-30Fixed bug: missing SMILES entryot1
2011-11-30Truncating neighborsot1
2011-11-30Added neighbor ordering (descending by sim)ot1
2011-11-29pc_type switching for all algorithms, scaling for svm regressionAndreas Maunz
2011-11-28Enabled switching between prop types for MLRAndreas Maunz
2011-11-28Defaulting pc_prop to nil to allow switching between prop typesAndreas Maunz
2011-11-28Disabled debugAndreas Maunz
2011-11-28Fixed 'ids bug'Andreas Maunz
2011-11-28Fixed point prediction formatAndreas Maunz
2011-11-28Fixed transform of queryAndreas Maunz
2011-11-27New Ambit descriptor read-in (CSV)Andreas Maunz
2011-11-25Reading SDF to shorten workflowAndreas Maunz
2011-11-25RCW timout to 120, fixed sometimes missing features in Ambit descriptorsAndreas Maunz
2011-11-25Fixed argument separatorAndreas Maunz
2011-11-24Added pc_type switchdavor
2011-11-24Added pc_type switchAndreas Maunz
2011-11-24Fixed underrun of descriptorsAndreas Maunz
2011-11-23Access PC descriptors via InChIAndreas Maunz
2011-11-23Keeping neighbor order on pc results, support for removed neighbors during pcAndreas Maunz
2011-11-23Integrated reduction strategy to remove NILsAndreas Maunz
2011-11-23Switched props calculation to PCAndreas Maunz
2011-11-23Added nils removal functionAndreas Maunz
2011-11-23Matrix sort, separation of queryAndreas Maunz
2011-11-22Started PC calcAndreas Maunz
2011-11-21Moved aux functions to utils.rb (merge also to numeric)Andreas Maunz
2011-11-17PCR as standard for MLRot1
2011-11-17Added AutoScaler to SVM regressionot1
2011-11-17Added AutoScaler to SVM regressionot1
2011-11-16Merge branch 'development' into numericAndreas Maunz
2011-11-16port key fix in environment.rbAndreas Maunz
2011-11-16Merge branch 'development' into numericAndreas Maunz
2011-11-16Added support for custom OHM portAndreas Maunz
2011-11-16Argument parantheses no spaceAndreas Maunz
2011-11-15Commented out previous commitAndreas Maunz
2011-11-15Added completion of feature datasetsAndreas Maunz
2011-11-15Fixed to_a warning on resultAndreas Maunz
2011-11-14First version of PCR/PLSRAndreas Maunz
2011-11-11Added PCRAndreas Maunz
2011-11-11Finished MLR, fixed PCA transformAndreas Maunz
2011-11-10Added maxcols constraint (default 1/3)Andreas Maunz
2011-11-101st version of mlrAndreas Maunz
2011-11-10PCA: Fixed scaling, testing transformAndreas Maunz
2011-11-09Transcription to GSL for AutoScaleAndreas Maunz
2011-11-09EncapsulationAndreas Maunz
2011-11-09Ensuring cloneAndreas Maunz
2011-11-09Merge branch 'numeric' of into numericAndreas Maunz