path: root/_posts/
diff options
authorAndreas Maunz <>2012-07-21 10:45:37 +0200
committerAndreas Maunz <>2012-07-21 10:46:32 +0200
commit81d9c4780b07960613a1dd71c351a4201d875726 (patch)
treeb5a35468ee862f3d2135f7e16bb61cb900032dde /_posts/
parentf3ac06c59f8cbb153388d1488893f97b7948023e (diff)
Spell Checking for Vim
Diffstat (limited to '_posts/')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/_posts/ b/_posts/
index f4bdfbc..0309a7c 100644
--- a/_posts/
+++ b/_posts/
@@ -30,14 +30,8 @@ and do
Now **Vim** will be invoked as the default text editor and you can start it by entering `vim` at the command line.
Basic setup
Put this in your `~/.vimrc`:
@@ -102,18 +96,63 @@ Graphical Cheat Sheet
Learn **Vim** with the [graphical cheat sheet](
-Using Vim as a pager
-The standard tool to display (not edit) text files is **Less**. However, you also may want to use **Vim** to display source files. Add
- alias vless='vim -u /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/macros/less.vim'
+Spell Checking
-to your `~/.bash_aliases`, and, after reading in the file, e.g. by a new login, you have the `vless` command. When viewing a file with `vless`, press `v` to switch to the full **Vim**.
+[Download]( spell files. Example: for german, download `de.utf-8.spl`, `de.utf-8.sug`. As root, copy the downloaded spell files to `/usr/share/vim/vim7x/spell/`.
+Put the following in your `~/.vimrc`:
+ " Function to toggle spelling for language 'lang'
+ func! ToggleSpl( lang )
+ if &l:spl =~ '\v(^|,)\V'.escape(a:lang,'\').'\v(,|$)'
+ "Alternatively, since 'spl' may not contain a comma this also
+ "works:
+ "if index(split(&l:spl,','),a:lang) != -1
+ exec 'setl spl-='.a:lang
+ else
+ exec 'setl spl+='.a:lang
+ endif
+ :setl spell spl
+ endfun
+This function toggles spell checking for a given language on/off. For the language files downloaded, you can now map keys to toggle spell checking for each of them. Example for german:
+ " Switch on german spelling (in addition to what is active already!)
+ map <F3> :call ToggleSpl('de')<cr>
+Now, `F3` will toggle spell checking for the german language. Go ahead and create keybindings for any needed language in the same way, using different keys for each language.
+![spell checking](/images/spell.png "spell checking")
+Note: Toggling a specific language on/off will not affect the status of other languages. Arbitrary combinations of languages can be enabled at a time.
+To use spell correction, a few commands are needed:
+- `]s` next misspelled word
+- `[s` previous misspelled word
+- `z=` view spelling suggestions for a mispelled word
+- `zg` add a word to the dictionary
+- `zug` undo the addition of a word to the dictionary
+Note: for the `z*` commands, the cursor must be positioned on the corresponding word.
+Text wrapping
+You can do two things:
-Toggle auto-indenting for code paste
+- Let **Vim** format (i.e.change) your text to have shorter lines, by inserting linebreaks. Type `v` to go to visual mode, select text, and press `gq`.
+- Leave lines as they are, but display them wrapped. This can be toggled by `:set wrap`, `:set nowrap`
+Both are independent.
+Auto-Indenting on Paste
In a console or terminal version of **Vim**, there is no standard procedure
to paste text from another application. Instead, the terminal
@@ -145,11 +184,96 @@ To paste from another application:
Then the existing indentation of the pasted text will be retained.
+Using Vim as a pager
+The standard tool to display (not edit) text files is **Less**. However, you also may want to use **Vim** to display source files. Add
+ alias vless='vim -u /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/macros/less.vim'
+to your `~/.bash_aliases`, and, after reading in the file, e.g. by a new login, you have the `vless` command. When viewing a file with `vless`, press `v` to switch to the full **Vim**.
+Using **Vim** with Git
+What happens when you type `git diff`? You will receive a simple diff, but there is also a way to do a `vimdiff` with a side-by-side view of a diff in nice colors! See [this tutorial]( for Vimdiff usage.
+Step 1: add this to your `.gitconfig`
+ [diff]
+ external = git_diff_wrapper
+ [pager]
+ diff =
+Step 2: create a file named `git_diff_wrapper` (and put it somewhere in your `$PATH`):
+ #!/bin/sh
+ vimdiff "$2" "$5"
+Step 3: there is still access to the default `git diff` behavior with the `--no-ext-diff` flag. Here’s a function I put in my bash configuration files:
+ function git_diff() {
+ git diff --no-ext-diff -w "$@" | vim -R -
+ }
+where the argument's meanings are:
+- `--no-ext-diff`: to prevent using vimdiff
+- `-w` : to ignore whitespace
+- `-R` : to start vim in read-only mode
+- `-` : to make vim act as a pager
+It turns out to be very useful to be able to alternate between the two versions of diff.
+Using **Vim** with Ruby
+**Vim** and ruby are like beer and pizza -- a perfect couple. Following the above will already give you syntax highlighting on ruby files. Here is how you add code completion, i.e. type a command prefix and use the TAB key and be presented with a list of possible completions.
+First install the [SuperTab]( module for **Vim**. Then put this in your `.vimrc`
+ " ruby autocompletion
+ autocmd FileType ruby,eruby set omnifunc=rubycomplete#Complete
+ autocmd FileType ruby,eruby let g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading = 1
+ autocmd FileType ruby,eruby let g:rubycomplete_rails = 1
+ autocmd FileType ruby,eruby let g:rubycomplete_classes_in_global = 1
+ let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<C-X><C-O>"
+ "improve autocomplete menu color
+ highlight Pmenu ctermbg=238 gui=bold
+Now, for example, if you want to implement a `collect` call on some container (such as a hash), you can type in **Vim** a prefix of `collect` and press TAB:
+ { ... }.c<TAB>
+and **Vim** will present you with a list of applicable commands, from which you select `collect`.
+![picture](/images/vim-cc.png "Vim code completion")
Using **Vim** with Latex
@@ -257,83 +381,6 @@ For things to work you must, in order:
3. reverse-search using Ctrl + left-mouse-click.
-Using **Vim** with Git
-What happens when you type `git diff`? You will receive a simple diff, but there is also a way to do a `vimdiff`.
-Here is an example:
- ![git diff](/images/git-diff.png "git diff")
-Vimdiff, which gives you a side-by-side view of a diff with nice colors!
-See [this tutorial]( for Vimdiff usage.
-Step 1: add this to your `.gitconfig`
- [diff]
- external = git_diff_wrapper
- [pager]
- diff =
-Step 2: create a file named `git_diff_wrapper` (and put it somewhere in your `$PATH`):
- #!/bin/sh
- vimdiff "$2" "$5"
-Step 3: there is still access to the default `git diff` behavior with the `--no-ext-diff` flag. Here’s a function I put in my bash configuration files:
- function git_diff() {
- git diff --no-ext-diff -w "$@" | vim -R -
- }
-where the argument's meanings are:
-- `--no-ext-diff`: to prevent using vimdiff
-- `-w` : to ignore whitespace
-- `-R` : to start vim in read-only mode
-- `-` : to make vim act as a pager
-It turns out to be very useful to be able to alternate between the two versions of diff.
-Using **Vim** with Ruby
-**Vim** and ruby are like beer and pizza -- a perfect couple. Following the above will already give you syntax highlighting on ruby files. Here is how you add code completion, i.e. type a command prefix and use the TAB key and be presented with a list of possible completions.
-First install the [SuperTab]( module for **Vim**. Then put this in your `.vimrc`
- " ruby autocompletion
- autocmd FileType ruby,eruby set omnifunc=rubycomplete#Complete
- autocmd FileType ruby,eruby let g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading = 1
- autocmd FileType ruby,eruby let g:rubycomplete_rails = 1
- autocmd FileType ruby,eruby let g:rubycomplete_classes_in_global = 1
- let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<C-X><C-O>"
- "improve autocomplete menu color
- highlight Pmenu ctermbg=238 gui=bold
-Now, for example, if you want to implement a `collect` call on some container (such as a hash), you can type in **Vim** a prefix of `collect` and press TAB:
- { ... }.c<TAB>
-and **Vim** will present you with a list of applicable commands, from which you select `collect`.
-![picture](/images/vim-cc.png "Vim code completion")