AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-03-10Merge branch 'release/v1.0.0'v1.0.0Christoph Helma
2011-03-10tests passing for tag v1.0.0Christoph Helma
2011-03-10initial toxcreate tests addedChristoph Helma
2011-03-10dataset tests fixedChristoph Helma
2011-02-23error handling fixedChristoph Helma
2011-02-21add new dataset testmguetlein
2011-01-28auth addedChristoph Helma
2011-01-27Merge remote branch 'rautenberg/master'Christoph Helma
2011-01-27Merge remote branch 'mguetlein/development'Christoph Helma
2011-01-13A&A GET requestsmr
2011-01-12fminer A&A for rapper call predictionmr
2011-01-04A&A addedmr
2010-12-16lazar results rounded to 4 decimal pointsChristoph Helma
2010-12-16integrate authorization.rb in Rakefile and set subjectid in setup/teardownmr
2010-12-16A&A for fminermr
2010-12-16A&A for dataset and lazarmr
2010-12-14authorization testsmr
2010-11-24tests adapted for external servicesChristoph Helma
2010-11-24opentox-ruby instead of opentox-ruby-api-wrapperChristoph Helma
2010-11-23global setup/teardown, cucumber tests removedChristoph Helma
2010-11-19Initial sketch of unit tests, cucumber tests are obsoleteChristoph Helma
2010-03-19owl parsing implementedChristoph Helma
2010-03-16some untracked files addedChristoph Helma
2010-03-16some untracked files addedChristoph Helma
2010-03-16initial test for dataset prediction addedChristoph Helma
2010-03-16OWL-DL export addedChristoph Helma
2010-03-16toxcreate adapted for new representationChristoph Helma
2010-03-15small modification to internal yaml representationChristoph Helma
2010-03-15tests for yaml representation workingChristoph Helma
2010-03-10owl-dl (temporarily) removed, switched to YAML representationChristoph Helma
2010-03-01wrapper version bumped to 1.3.0Christoph Helma
2010-02-26example input file with errors addedChristoph Helma
2010-02-23Michas changes mergedChristoph Helma
2010-02-22resolve merge with helmamr
2010-02-08ambit test temporarily removedChristoph Helma
2010-02-02centralized database configurationChristoph Helma
2010-01-31Upload facilities added, Ambit disabledChristoph Helma
2010-01-25tests adapted for authorizationmr
2010-01-22fminer test for ambit addedChristoph Helma
2010-01-19hooks delete with authorizationmr
2010-01-19resolve helma mergemr
2010-01-19test authorizationmr
2010-01-09tasks addedChristoph Helma
2010-01-07tests for tasks addedChristoph Helma
2009-12-20Test for prediction result addedChristoph Helma
2009-12-19filenameschanged to *.owlChristoph Helma
2009-12-14Initial adaptation to RDF/OWLChristoph Helma
2009-11-27model creation steps fixedChristoph Helma
2009-11-24Tests for RDF and API 1.1Christoph Helma