path: root/views
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-01-11disable to predict models without authorizationmr
2011-01-04Authorizaton for GET requestsmr
2010-12-16fix CSV link in helpmr
2010-12-14rename token_id to subjectidmr
2010-12-13add login.hamlmr
2010-12-13A&A for model deletemr
2010-12-09A&A implementationmr
2010-12-06merge with helma/developmentmr
2010-12-06clean before mergemr
2010-11-24opentox-ruby-api-wrapper renamed to opentox-rubyChristoph Helma
2010-09-19javascript for qmrf editor (has to be fixed)ch
2010-09-13RDF/XML download disabled, QMRF report generation enabledChristoph Helma
2010-09-07display of failed validation results fixedch
2010-08-31css for neighbors table fixedch
2010-08-25initial version for quantitative features, some improvements suggested by davidChristoph Helma
2010-08-18display of empty predictions fixedChristoph Helma
2010-08-06lazar details implementedChristoph Helma
2010-07-29denis mergedChristoph Helma
2010-07-29denis mergedChristoph Helma
2010-07-29html representation of lazar predictions moved from model service to toxcreateChristoph Helma
2010-07-20merge fix application.rbgebele
2010-07-19page refresh until validation report finishedChristoph Helma
2010-07-19index redo clear floatgebele
2010-07-19index without cleargebele
2010-07-19index display inlinegebele
2010-07-19cleared syntaxgebele
2010-07-19without liststyle in indexgebele
2010-07-19new table stylegebele
2010-07-19without font logogebele
2010-07-19overflow for large predictionsgebele
2010-07-19overflow fix for large predictionsgebele
2010-07-19overflow for large predictionsgebele
2010-07-19overflow for large predictionsgebele
2010-07-15test text colorgebele
2010-07-14model creation working, validation report generation fails for large datasetsChristoph Helma
2010-07-02failed predictions fixedChristoph Helma
2010-07-02Initial regression validation displayChristoph Helma
2010-07-02regression validation (partially) workingChristoph Helma
2010-06-25regression initially workingChristoph Helma
2010-06-15updated for new datamapper releaseChristoph Helma
2010-06-08change validation reload, sass to new version-format(globals), excel import
2010-05-25Improvements according to Sylvias commentsChristoph Helma
2010-05-25more instructions for model construction and more informative error messagesch
2010-05-21Merge commit 'rautenberg/test' into testChristoph Helma
2010-05-21fix Confidence toggle linkmr
2010-05-20Excel instructions addedChristoph Helma
2010-05-20Merge commit 'rautenberg/test' into developmentChristoph Helma
2010-05-20minor layout improvements, validation task uris saved in ToxCreateModelChristoph Helma
2010-05-20toggle confidence info, upload control via file-extensionmr
2010-05-20split validation view, reload model if model.validation_satus is not 'Completed'mr