path: root/report/validation_data.rb
diff options
authorMartin Gütlein <>2009-11-13 11:51:21 +0100
committerMartin Gütlein <>2009-11-13 11:51:21 +0100
commit41e5d1e6160115356c54d2907552b9a943126ae1 (patch)
tree8b011c251ecfbd69d2435d07b91e275f56fc1682 /report/validation_data.rb
parent14904ee55e85000b97fa7b735c22a82529fbdf10 (diff)
merged reports into this rep
Diffstat (limited to 'report/validation_data.rb')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/report/validation_data.rb b/report/validation_data.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81b899c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/report/validation_data.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+# the variance is computed when merging results for these attributes
+VAL_ATTR_VARIANCE = [ "auc", "acc" ]
+class Object
+ def to_nice_s
+ return "%.2f" % self if is_a?(Float)
+ return to_s
+ end
+ # checks weather an object has equal values as stored in the map
+ # example o.att = "a", o.att2 = 12, o.has_values?({ att => a }) is true
+ #
+ # call-seq:
+ # has_values?(map) => boolean
+ #
+ def has_values?(map)
+ map.each{|k,v| return false if send(k)!=v}
+ return true
+ end
+module Reports
+ def self.validation_access
+ @@validation_access
+ end
+ def self.reset_validation_access
+ when "mock_layer"
+ @@validation_access =
+ when "webservice"
+ @@validation_access =
+ else #default
+ @@validation_access =
+ end
+ end
+ # initialize validation_access
+ reset_validation_access
+ # = Reports::Validation
+ #
+ # contains all values of a validation object
+ #
+ class Validation
+ #VAL_ATTR.each{ |a| attr_accessor a }
+ OpenTox::Validation::ALL_PROPS.each{ |a| attr_accessor a }
+ VAL_ATTR_VARIANCE.each{ |a| attr_accessor a+"_variance" }
+ attr_reader :predictions, :merge_count
+ def initialize(uri = nil)
+ Reports.validation_access.init_validation(self, uri) if uri
+ @merge_count = 1
+ end
+ # returns predictions, these are dynamically generated and stored in this object
+ #
+ # call-seq:
+ # get_predictions => Reports::Predictions
+ #
+ def get_predictions
+ return @predictions if @predictions
+ unless @prediction_dataset_uri
+"no predictions available, prediction_dataset_uri not set")
+ return nil
+ end
+ @predictions = Reports.validation_access.get_predictions( @test_dataset_uri, @prediction_dataset_uri )
+ end
+ # loads all crossvalidation attributes, of the corresponding cv into this object
+ def load_cv_attributes
+ raise "crossvalidation-id not set" unless @crossvalidation_id
+ Reports.validation_access.init_cv(self)
+ end
+ # merges this validation and another validation object to a new validation object
+ # * v1.att = "a", v2.att = "a" => r.att = "a"
+ # * v1.att = "a", v2.att = "b" => r.att = "a / b"
+ # * v1.att = "1", v2.att = "2" => r.att = "1.5"
+ # * the attributes in __equal_attributes__ are assumed to be equal
+ #
+ # call-seq:
+ # merge( validation, equal_attributes) => Reports::Validation
+ #
+ def merge( validation, equal_attributes)
+ new_validation =
+ raise "not working" if validation.merge_count > 1
+ OpenTox::Validation::ALL_PROPS.each do |a|
+ next if a =~ /_variance$/
+ if (equal_attributes.index(a) != nil)
+ new_validation.send("#{a.to_s}=".to_sym, send(a))
+ else
+ value = nil
+ variance = nil
+ if (send(a).is_a?(Float) || send(a).is_a?(Integer))
+ value = (send(a) * @merge_count + validation.send(a)) / (@merge_count + 1).to_f;
+ if (VAL_ATTR_VARIANCE.index(a) != nil)
+ old_std_dev = 0;
+ old_std_dev = send(a +"_variance") ** 2 if send(a+"_variance")
+ std_dev = (old_std_dev * (@merge_count / (@merge_count + 1.0))) + (((validation.send(a) - value) ** 2) * (1 / @merge_count))
+ variance = Math.sqrt(std_dev);
+ end
+ else
+ if send(a).to_s != validation.send(a).to_s
+ value = send(a).to_s + "/" + validation.send(a).to_s
+ else
+ value = validation.send(a).to_s
+ end
+ end
+ #value = "test"
+ new_validation.send("#{a.to_s}=".to_sym, value)
+ new_validation.send("#{a.to_s+"_variance"}=".to_sym, variance) if variance
+ end
+ end
+ new_validation.set_merge_count(@merge_count + 1);
+ return new_validation
+ end
+ def merge_count
+ @merge_count
+ end
+ protected
+ def set_merge_count(c)
+ @merge_count = c
+ end
+ end
+ # = Reports:ValidationSet
+ #
+ # contains an array of validations, including some functionality as merging validations..
+ #
+ class ValidationSet
+ def initialize(uri_list = nil)
+ @validations =
+ uri_list.each{|u| @validations.push(} if uri_list
+ end
+ def get(index)
+ return @validations[index]
+ end
+ def first()
+ return @validations.first
+ end
+ # returns the values of the validations for __attribute__
+ # * if unique is true a set is returned, i.e. not redundant info
+ # * => if unique is false the size of the returned array is equal to the number of validations
+ #
+ # call-seq:
+ # get_values(attribute, unique=true) => array
+ #
+ def get_values(attribute, unique=true)
+ a =
+ @validations.each{ |v| a.push(v.send(attribute).to_s) if !unique || a.index(v.send(attribute).to_s)==nil }
+ return a
+ end
+ # returns the number of different values that exist for an attribute in the validation set
+ #
+ # call-seq:
+ # num_different_values(attribute) => integer
+ #
+ def num_different_values(attribute)
+ return get_values(attribute).size
+ end
+ # returns true if at least one validation has a nil value for __attribute__
+ #
+ # call-seq:
+ # has_nil_values?(attribute) => boolean
+ #
+ def has_nil_values?(attribute)
+ @validations.each{ |v| return true unless v.send(attribute) }
+ return false
+ end
+ def load_cv_attributes
+ @validations.each{ |v| v.load_cv_attributes }
+ end
+ # returns a new set with all validation that have values as specified in the map
+ #
+ # call-seq:
+ # filter(map) => Reports::ValidationSet
+ #
+ def filter(map)
+ new_set =
+ validations.each{ |v| new_set.validations.push(v) if v.has_values?(map) }
+ return new_set
+ end
+ # returns an array, with values for __attributes__, that can be use for a table
+ # * first row is header row
+ # * other rows are values
+ #
+ # call-seq:
+ # to_array(attributes) => array
+ #
+ def to_array(attributes)
+ array =
+ array.push(attributes)
+ @validations.each do |v|
+ array.push(attributes.collect do |a|
+ variance = v.send(a+"_variance") if VAL_ATTR_VARIANCE.index(a)
+ variance = " +- "+variance.to_nice_s if variance
+ v.send(a).to_nice_s + variance.to_s
+ end)
+ end
+ return array
+ end
+ # creates a new validaiton set, that contains merged validations
+ # all validation with equal values for __equal_attributes__ are summed up in one validation, i.e. merged
+ #
+ # call-seq:
+ # to_array(attributes) => array
+ #
+ def merge(equal_attributes)
+ new_set =
+ #compute grouping
+ grouping =, equal_attributes)
+ #merge
+ grouping.each do |g|
+ new_set.validations.push(g[0].clone)
+ g[1..-1].each do |v|
+ new_set.validations[-1] = new_set.validations[-1].merge(v, equal_attributes)
+ end
+ end
+ return new_set
+ end
+ def size
+ return @validations.size
+ end
+ def validations
+ @validations
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file