AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-04-25Merge branch 'development' of into developmentChristoph Helma
2013-04-25removing old commentMartin Gütlein
2013-04-25add basic AArautenberg
2013-04-24additional RDF vocabularies.Christoph Helma
2013-04-24numbered anonymous nodes for dataentries.Christoph Helma
2013-04-23rdf-raptor 1.0.0 is fixed to 1.0.1 Micha Rautenberg
2013-04-22Update opentox-client.gemspecdavor
2013-04-19install with ruby version 2.0.0-p0rautenberg
2013-04-16Update opentox.rbMartin Gütlein
2013-04-08debug messsages partially removed, gem depencies updated. tested with ruby 2....Christoph Helma
2013-04-08fix accessible? check for sslrautenberg
2013-04-03Merge branch 'development' of into developmentChristoph Helma
2013-03-28Merge branch 'development' of into developmentv2.1.-lastrautenberg
2013-03-28remove comments and old logger messagesrautenberg
2013-03-27wait_for_task fixed for crossvalidationChristoph Helma
2013-03-27validation tests okChristoph Helma
2013-03-26code cleanup and refactoring.Christoph Helma
2013-02-22fix pending log messages for non-runtime errorsmguetlein
2013-02-21OpenTox error handling removed from NoMethodErrorChristoph Helma
2013-02-21OpenTox error handling for NoMethodErrorChristoph Helma
2013-02-18changed content-type to application/x-turtle for large importsgebele
2013-02-15error messages in tasks fixedChristoph Helma
2013-02-12error methods within wait_for_task fixedChristoph Helma
2013-02-11csv required for datasetChristoph Helma
2013-02-11Merge branch 'development' of into developmentChristoph Helma
2013-02-08implemented json support for user uri listgebele
2013-02-07Merge branch 'development' of into developmentChristoph Helma
2013-02-07Merge branch 'development' of into developmentrautenberg
2013-02-07add regex filter for URL authentificationrautenberg
2013-02-04add delete method for validationsmguetlein
2013-02-04add pending fix to log non-runtime-errorsmguetlein
2013-02-04Merge branch 'development' of into developmentmguetlein
2013-02-04add validation, some debug messages, small adjustmentsmguetlein
2013-01-24one step backrautenberg
2013-01-24remove some rescue blocks from A&Arautenberg
2013-01-23url_for removedChristoph Helma
2012-12-17Merge branch 'development' of into developmentgebele
2012-12-17get uri-list sorted by 4storegebele
2012-12-13Update lib/utils/html.rbdavor
2012-12-10URI.accessible? for sslrautenberg
2012-12-10URI.accessible? for sslrautenberg
2012-12-10fix missing return in text/uri-list caserautenberg
2012-12-07extend html supportmguetlein
2012-11-16Merge branch 'development' of into developmentAndreas Maunz
2012-11-16Updated dsspeed docAndreas Maunz
2012-11-07added method created_atgebele
2012-11-03Added CSV upload analysisAndreas Maunz
2012-10-31Compounds removed from allnde targetAndreas Maunz
2012-10-31Fixed get for dataset from RDFAndreas Maunz
2012-10-30rdf tools turned to dynamicAndreas Maunz