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1 files changed, 28 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/views/layout.haml b/views/layout.haml
index a27be48..a41a3f7 100644
--- a/views/layout.haml
+++ b/views/layout.haml
@@ -68,24 +68,45 @@
%div{:style => "align:justify;padding:1em;"}
+ %h3
+ Predict targets potentially affected by a given chemical structure.
+ Enter a chemical name, smiles structure, etc and press "Search" to obtain search results and predictions. |
+ The system will search the <a href="">PubChem</a> database for |
+ (i) experimental data of the query compound and |
+ (ii) structurally similar compounds (neighbors) and their experimental data. |
+ Predictions for the query compound are derived from the neighbors experimental data using an automated |
+ read-across algorithm.
+ %br
+ %br
+ The results page is organized according to the following dimensions:
- (experimental)
+ Gene/protein targets vs. other assays:
- Filtered experimental data from pubchem database.
+ PubChem Assays with known Gene/Protein targets are listed in the first column, assays without known |
+ targets are in the "Other assays" column.
- (read across)
+ Active vs. inactive targets/assays:
- Predictions - results of processed pubchem data.
+ Targets/assays with positive outcomes are listed as targets/active assays, negative outcomes are |
+ filed under non-targets/ inactive assays.
- Predictions relationship
+ Experimental vs. read across:
- Similar compounds, predicted assays and predicted targets are related considering relevant data.
- If data is insufficent there will be no result displayed.
+ Experimental data for the query compound is labelled with "experimental", read-across predictions |
+ are labelled with "read across". In case of insufficient data no results will be displayed.i
+ %br
+ %br
+ %dt
+ Similar compounds
+ %dd
+ Detailed information about the compounds used for read across predictions (and their experimental data)
+ %br
+ <small>Source code for the project can be obtained from <a href="">Github</a></small>.
%form{:name => "form", :action => '/search', :method => "GET"}